
annoy vt.惹惱,打攪;使煩惱。 A fly keeps an...

“what annoyed me,“ he said, “wasn't the thing itself, but the lies. “ “使我氣悶的事,”他說,“并不是問題的本身,而是那些謊話。”


When harry put on his act of being mildly annoyed , the girl promised to order some for him . 當哈里裝出略微懊惱的樣子,那位姑娘答為他訂購一些。

The authors whom she read were most of them frightfully annoyed by the vida shrewins . 她讀過的書的作者,十之八九都是維達舍溫深惡痛絕的。

He felt savage and thirsty and revengeful, annoyed with himself and with everyone else . 他激憤,口干舌燥,渴望報仇,他恨自己,也恨一切人。

Renate was greatly annoyed when i said that she must come to coney island with me . 當我向萊娜達提出她必須陪我走一趟科尼島時,她大為惱火。

Bertha was quite justly annoyed that her husband should have caught her napping soundly . 伯莎完全有理由發火,她丈夫應該看到她在熟睡。

Nim kept his voice controlled, annoyed at himself for revealing his anger a moment ago . 尼姆控制著自己的聲音,責怪自己剛才不該發火。

“what annoyed me,“ he said, “wasn't the thing itself, but the lies. “ “使我氣悶的事,”他說,“并不是問題的本身,而是那些謊話。”

She gathered from her husband's tone that something had happened to annoy him . 從她丈夫的口氣里,她猜出發生了一件使他不高興的事。

I am extremely annoyed at the way he always stares at me in the office . 他在辦公室里老是目不轉睛地盯著我,真把我氣壞了。

It annoyed me not to have been given an immediate audience with king dahfu . 令人感到不快的是,沒讓我們立即覲見達甫國王。

It circled around the white house that eleanor was most annoyed with franklin . 白宮傳說埃莉偌被富蘭克林氣壞了。

I wish those boys wouldn't carry on like that, it's very annoying . 我希望那些孩子不要如此胡鬧,真是太討厭了。

He was conscious of colouring, and was annoyed at his boyishness . 他感到一陣臉紅,覺得自己太幼稚因而很煩惱。

He was annoyed by the perception of mrs. bulshrode's meaning . 布爾斯羅德太太的弦外之音,使他有些生氣。

It was this plantation that had so annoyed charlie slatter . 使得查理斯拉特大為氣惱的就是這片苗圃。

Nobody dared to annoy one whom he honored with his countenance . 凡是他所寵愛的人,沒有人敢去唣。

The oxidants are the most annoying of all the air pollutants . 氧化劑是所有空氣污染物中最討厭的。

I was annoyed , indeed furious , over what happened . 出了這件事我很不痛快,實際上是憤怒已極。