
announcer n.1.宣告者。2.(電視,電臺)播音員;(戲劇等的)報...

Announcer : we ' re back with more “ pure oxygen , 歡迎回來,接下來是更多的“純氧”故事

Cue announcer . - the “ ubs evening news “ -提示播音員- “聯合廣播公司晚間新聞”

Cue announcer . - the “ ubs evening news “ . . 提示播音員- “聯合廣播公司晚間新聞”

- cue announcer . - the “ ubs evening news “ . . -提示播音員- “聯合廣播公司晚間新聞”

“ to end our special news bulletin , “ said the voice of the television announcer , “ we are taking you to the macaroni fields of calabria . “ 電視播音員說:“在結束我們的專題新聞報道時,我們現在把各位帶到卡拉布里亞的通心粉田里。”

An announcer came on and told listeners, “telephone lines are down everywhere. no trains are running. “ 廣播員又開始告訴聽眾們:“各處的電話線都斷了。火車也不通了。”

The radio announcer said “it's time to sign off for the day; listen again tomorrow. “ 電臺播音員說:“本臺全天播音完畢,請明天再收聽。”


Tv announcer : just over nine minutes to go in the quarter ?跌冀廚:瞞竊擋臨9牧

[ announcer 1 ] peyton on an incredible rally , 佩頓重新振作起來太難以置信了

Announcer 2 wait . i don ' t think herbie ' s drafting 等等,她好象不只是想靠近

[ announcer ] left field ' s found something better to do , 左外野手好像找到了其他事情干

Announcer : we ' re back with more “ pure oxygen , 歡迎回來,接下來是更多的“純氧”故事

[ announcer ] oh , folks . folks , what a heartbreaker 哦,伙計們,多令人心碎啊

[ announcer ] yes , chicken little , it ' s all yours 小小,勝利全是屬于你的了!

Male announcer on tv ) life goes on at fiddler ' s green . . 生活在費德勒格林市

Announcer 1 great stories bookend this field 偉大的歷史將在這個運動場上上演

Announcer 1 best pit stop of the day for team peyton 今天停站最好最迅速的是佩頓隊

Announcer some might recall that braddock was once 可能還記得布洛克曾經是個

Radio announcer you have heard the voice of waldo lydecker 播音員你們已經收聽了