
announcement n.1.通告,布告,宣告,預告,聲明。2.宣布的行動[過...


Chief executive policy address 2001 tv announcement 1 二零零一年行政長官施政報告

Tv announcement - safe work in confined spaces 電視宣傳短片-密閉空間工作安全措施

Ahmadinejad ' s announcement came at the end of a Bolt是閃電的意思指的是碧空萬里

Information services department - tv announcements 政府新聞處-政府電視宣傳短片

Tv announcement - use less plastic shopping bags 電視宣傳短片-積極減用購物膠袋

Cyborg announcement return to your residence asap 聲明:機器人請盡快回到你的住地

Tv announcement - show care to people with hiv aids 電視宣傳短片-關懷愛滋病患者

Tv announcement - road safety symbol and vision 電視宣傳短片-道路安全標志及愿景

They pinned up an announcement on a notice board 他們在布合板上釘了一張通告。

Tv announcement - combat money laundering 電視宣傳短片-舉報可疑交易打擊清洗黑錢

Press release : announcement of the composite interest rate 新聞稿:公布綜合利率

Announcement clarification on 1st q summary results 公告澄清第一季度業績公布表

You should word your announcement with great care 你該極為小心地表達你的宣布。

We made the announcement with great reserve 我們并非是毫無保留地宣布這件事的。

And we have a special announcement on the jumbotron . . 大屏幕上有一條特別的消息

But later that day we had a glimpse of an other dangerous prospect, with saudi arabia's dramatic announcement that it and other arab oil producers were embargoing all sale of oil to the united states . 但那天下午,沙特阿拉伯突然宣布,它和其他阿拉伯石油生產國要對美國實行全面的石油禁運,這使我們隱約感到將會出現另一種危險局面。

At the same time opec has lost its pricing unity, as individual members have increasingly returned to autonomous price announcements . 與此同時,石油輸出國組織不能做到統一定價,因為各個成員國越來越多地回復到自行宣布價格的做法。

I am aware that i make an announcement which cannot, according to the present prejudices of society at least, be welcome to my family . 我明白,我所宣布的這件事,至少由于當前的社會偏見,不可能受到我的家庭的歡迎。

So the matter rested. within the family it was accepted that ruth and martin were engaged, but no announcement was made . 事情就這樣擱下了。家庭內部承認羅絲和馬丁訂了婚,可并不對外宣布。