
announce vt.1.告知,報知,通告。2.宣布,宣告,發表;唱名報...

The “unconditional surrender“ formula was announced by the president and the prime minister . 總統和首相宣布了“無條件投降”的定則。

“i wanted to see you about the national sales meeting,“ he announced . “找你來,是想談談全國銷售會議的事,”他亮底道。


All material objects around announced their irresponsibility with terrible iteration . 所有身外一切東西,全都令人可怕地反復申明,自脫干系。

A symptom, not a disease, jaundice simply announces that something is wrong with me . 黃疸是一種癥狀,不是一種病,只能說明我有毛病了。

We announced our fourth-quarter losses for 1974, which came to 12 million dollars . 我們宣布了1974年第四季度的虧損數字達1200萬美元。

The “unconditional surrender“ formula was announced by the president and the prime minister . 總統和首相宣布了“無條件投降”的定則。

On the radio, a trumpet blast punctuated by morse code announced a news bulletin . 收音機里,一個具有摩爾斯電碼的小號宣布新聞報告。

The leader announces his real intentions sufficiently frequently and grandiloquently . 這個領導人極其經常和夸張地宣布他的真正意圖。

A deep voice announced the commencement of the wedding rites, and the music began . 一個甕聲甕氣的嗓音宣布拜堂開始,樂隊開始吹打。

The boy announced that their meal was ready and they went into the dining-room . 傭人報告說飯已經準備好了,于是他們走進了飯廳。

We also make the fundamental error of announcing our resolutions to everybody . 我們所犯的根本性錯誤是把我們的決心向大家宣布。

Curbs on air travel were being worked out and would shortly be announced . 限制航空旅行的有關規定正在擬定中,不久即將公布。

He announced out of a clear sky that he was going to quit his job and join the army . 他突如其來地宣布他要辭掉工作去參軍。

Mr. riach announced from the top that he saw clear water ahead . 雷契先生在頭頂上大叫,說他已經看到前面一無阻礙的水面了。

“i wanted to see you about the national sales meeting,“ he announced . “找你來,是想談談全國銷售會議的事,”他亮底道。

A surprised-looking servant came running up to announce a young lady . 一位滿臉驚詫的仆人跑上來通報,有位年輕小姐來訪。

Her father and grace were both present when the intelligence was announced . 當宣布這個消息時,格雷絲和她父親都在場。

She was not aware that such language could be suffered to announce it . 她沒有料到他竟會使用這樣的語言來宣布這件事。

A sign announced the san roque turnoff was a mile and a half ahead . 一塊路牌表明圣羅克岔道在前方一英里半的地方。