
annotate vt.,vi.注解,注釋。 an annotated e...

“ mala ducis avi domum , “ continued louis xviii . , still annotating “ , ”路易十八依舊邊寫注解邊說道。


Includes annotated bibliography on english teaching methodologies and related websites 包含英語教學法的注解書目與相關網站。

If annotated fields are found , the class is modified to include a generated 如果找到帶注釋的字段,該類將被修改以包含生成的

Annotated java code 帶注釋的java代碼

Methods that have a transaction policy associated with them can be annotated using the 對于具有相關事務策略的方法,可以用

Annotating an annotation 對注釋的注釋

In this particular case , you declare that the annotated method belongs to the 在這個具體的例子中,您聲明:標注的方法屬于

Annotated bibliography of tense , verbal aspect , aktionsart and related areas -一種有關方面的刊物。包括有關學會的資料。

Use for annotating tables 用于注釋表。

Attribute configures pruning by marking the annotated item as an entry point 屬性通過將帶批注的項標記為入口點來配置精簡

Check out xml annotated on 上的xml注釋。

A paperback edition of a novel ; an annotated edition of shakespeare 那本小說的精裝本賣了二十萬冊,平裝本賣了兩百萬冊。

Annotated list of items 附有說明的項目表

Attribute configures pruning by conditionally including the annotated item 屬性通過有條件地包含帶批注的項來配置精簡

Annotate the source code for the assembly with two custom attributes from 中的兩種自定義屬性來批注程序集的源代碼:

Given a field annotated with a 假設有個字段用

Fields may be annotated so that they retain their value across requests 屬性被標注以便他們在請求間保留他們的值。

Which could be likened to a sort of expert annotated digest of the lkml ,可以認為它是一種有專家注解的lkml摘要。

Annotated preliminary list 附說明的暫定項目表