
annihilator n.1.消滅者,殲滅者。2.滅火器。3.【數學】零化子。...

The origins of the name probably lie in the word kalka which refers to “ dirt “ , “ filth “ or “ foulness “ and hence denotes the “ destroyer of foulness “ , “ destroyer of confusion “ , “ destroyer of darkness “ , or “ the annihilator of ignorance “ 這個名字的起源大概是來自卡爾卡,代表“污垢” , “污穢”或者“糾纏” ,從而表示了“糾纏的破壞者” , “混亂的破壞者” , “黑暗的破壞者” ,或者“無知的消滅者” 。


In the fourth chapter , we study the strong regularity of left sf - rings whose every nonzero one - sided ideal contains nonzero weak ideal and every special annihilator is weak ideal , and we prove the following results : l ) strong left ( right ) weakly bounded left sf - rings are strongly regular rings 第四章,主要研究每個非零的單邊理想包含非零的弱理想的左sf -環以及每個特殊零化子是弱理想的左sf -環的強正則性。證明了: 1 )強左(右)弱有界的左sf -環是強正則環。

The origins of the name probably lie in the word kalka which refers to “ dirt “ , “ filth “ or “ foulness “ and hence denotes the “ destroyer of foulness “ , “ destroyer of confusion “ , “ destroyer of darkness “ , or “ the annihilator of ignorance “ 這個名字的起源大概是來自卡爾卡,代表“污垢” , “污穢”或者“糾纏” ,從而表示了“糾纏的破壞者” , “混亂的破壞者” , “黑暗的破壞者” ,或者“無知的消滅者” 。

Arjuna said : o krsna , how can i counterattack with arrows in battle , bhisma and drona who are worthy of respect . o annihilator of enemies 阿諸那說:奎師那啊,敵人的殲滅者啊,我怎么能夠在戰場上,對彼斯瑪和仲那,那些值得尊敬的人以弓箭相還擊呢?

You can try buzzers , but annihilator tripods can take them out in one hit ( which is good as fodder , but then you still have infantry to worry about ) 你也可以用蜂群,不過三腳可以瞬殺它們(這樣也是不錯的炮灰,不過你仍然要擔心步兵的威脅) 。

In the third chapter , we study the annihilator ideals of power series and ore extensions on noncommutative rings and generalize [ 13 , proposition 3 . 1 ] 1 ] ,考慮ore擴張、冪級數環、斜冪級數環和迭代斜laurent多項式環上的情形,得出定理3

When you reach the late game , you are basically going to want to use shock troopers , annihilator tripods , and stormriders against your opponent 當你進入游戲后期,基本上你會用震波部隊,三腳,和風暴騎士來對抗你的對手。

Go with a nice mix of planetary assault carriers , shock troopers upgraded with plasma disc launchers , annihilator tripods , and devastator warships 混編一些行星突擊母艦,升級飛盤的震波部隊,三腳,和毀滅戰艦是很好的。

2 ) let r is a semiprime ring , if r is a left sf - ring whose every special right annihilator is w - ideal , then r is a strongly regular ring 2 )設r是半素環,如果r是左sf -環且r的每個特殊右零化子是w -理想,則r是強正則環。

3 ) if r is a left sf - ring whose every special left annihilator is w - ideal , then r is a strongly regular ring 3 )如果r是左sf -環且r的每個特殊左零化子是w -理想,則r是強正則環。

Annihilators of power central values of generalized derivations 廣義導子冪中心化子條件