
annihilation n.1.絕滅,消滅,殲滅。2.【物理學】湮滅。3.【神學...

Considered the “ spiritual successor “ to total annihilation , supreme commander looks to deliver a unique style of gameplay to the real - time strategy genre 既然是橫掃千軍的精神上的續集,至上指揮官看起來能給即時戰略類型帶來非常不一般的游戲風格。

Black sphinx - large flying unit with powerful anti - caster abilities . can cast devour mana and orb of annihilation . attacks land and air units 黑色斯芬克司-擁有強大反魔法能力的大型飛行單位.可以使用“魔法吞噬“和“毀滅之球“ .攻擊地面和空中單位


Just by seeing your visage with its terrible teeth blazing like the fire of universal annihilation i know not the cardinal points nor can i obtain contentment 您的臉像熾燃著的宇宙滅絕之火一樣閃耀,牙齒恐怖,僅僅看到這些,我就不知要點而無法獲得滿意的答案。

For many in human form living with the outcome of such manipulations and annihilation , it is hard to understand the thinking behind those humans whom perpetrated such things 對許多生活在這些操縱和殲滅的結果中的人類來說,很難去理解那些犯下這類事的人們。

For though your people , o israel , are like the sand of the sea , only a remnant among them will return . annihilation is strictly decided , overflowing with righteousness 22以色列阿,你的百姓雖多如海沙,惟有剩下的歸回。滅絕的事已定,必有公義如水漲溢。

Considered the “ spiritual successor “ to total annihilation , supreme commander looks to deliver a unique style of gameplay to the real - time strategy genre 既然是橫掃千軍的精神上的續集,至上指揮官看起來能給即時戰略類型帶來非常不一般的游戲風格。

Conditions such as popular support , favourable terrain , a vulnerable enemy force and the advantage of surprise are all indispensable for the purpose of annihilation 人民贊助、良好陣地、好打之敵、出其不意等條件,都是達到殲滅目的所不可缺少的。

Black sphinx - large flying unit with powerful anti - caster abilities . can cast devour mana and orb of annihilation . attacks land and air units 黑色斯芬克司-擁有強大反魔法能力的大型飛行單位.可以使用“魔法吞噬“和“毀滅之球“ .攻擊地面和空中單位

Ct : if you like and enjoy the design sensibilities demonstrated in total annihilation , you ' ll feel the same way when playing supreme commander 如果你們喜歡橫掃千軍里面展示出來的設計風范,你們在玩至上指揮官的時候也會那么覺得的。

Nature is the most thrifty thing in the world , she never wastes anything ; she undergoes change , but there ' s no annihilation the essence remains 大自然是最節儉的,她從不浪費任何東西;她歷經改變,但是,卻沒有毀滅。她的本質依舊。

The massacre was also a systematic attempt at annihilation , chang argues , adding that the massacre should be likened to the holocaust 張論爭道,大屠殺同樣是一次蓄意滅絕人種的嘗試,張還說它可以與納粹屠殺猶太人事件相提并論。

The results show that hh silc is attributed to oxide hole detrapping and the annihilation of positive charge - assisted tunneling centers 研究結果表明:熱空穴silc機制是由于氧化層空穴的退陷阱效應和正電荷輔助遂穿中心的湮滅。

The results indicated that : choosing proper parameter , we regard three annihilation potentials as basic input and will get fairly good result 結果表明:只要適當地選取勢參數,以三種湮沒勢作為基本輸入都能得到甚好的結果。

For the protection of the devotees and the annihilation of the miscreants and to fully establish righteousness , i appear millennium after millennium 為了保護皈依者,消滅異端卑劣者,完全建立起正義,我每個千年都會出現的。

Hence their plan to mass seven divisions in an annihilation campaign , hence their order of january 17 , and hence their trial of yeh ting 于是七個師的聚殲計劃出現了,于是一月十七日的命令發布了,于是葉挺交付審判了。

For this reason , we should make the idea of protecting the creature , which is on the verge of annihilation , go deep into people ' s hearts 內容方面第二段應該展開成兩至三段寫,相信你絕對有話說的,那個是論證的核心。

It was pointed out that in the target rest frame , dy dilepton production looks like bremsstrahlung , rather than parton annihilation 在靶靜止系,輕子對產生的drell - yan過程應看作是韌致輻射,而不是部分子湮滅。

It is rare that we study antiproton - nuclear inelastic scattering and elastic scattering by using phenomenological annihilation potentials ) n湮沒勢對反質子-核非彈性散射和彈性散射進行研究是少有的研究方法。

If a matrix game is isomorphic to a matrix game with zero game value , then the latter is called annihilation of the former 摘要如果矩陣對策同構于一個對策值為零的矩陣對策,那么后者稱為前者的零化。