
annihilate vt.1.消滅,殲滅。2.廢止(法律)。3.徹底打敗。4...

Morning . “ . . to the phenomenon that swept the earth , nearly annihilating our way of life . 早上好,到橫掃全球的各種幾乎徹底湮滅我們生活方式的奇怪現象

Morning . “ . to the phenomenon that swept the earth , nearly annihilating our way of life . 早上好,到橫掃全球的各種幾乎徹底湮滅我們生活方式的奇怪現象

Do we like this word “ annihilating “ “徹底湮滅”這個詞好么?

North korea promises “ annihilating strike “ if attacked 北韓稱若遭襲擊將予“毀滅性”還擊

“ to annihilate them all . and not leave any traces . 將戰俘全部消滅,不留任何證據


But reports from the east and the north will alarm him , and he will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many 44但從東方和北方必有消息擾亂他,他就大發烈怒出去,要將多人殺滅凈盡。

After undergoing annihilating and reviving , the geopolitics has taken large development in the west world since the 1970s 地緣政治學經歷湮滅、復蘇之后,自70年代以來在西方獲得了廣泛的發展。

But the court of judgment will sit , and they will take away his dominion , so as to annihilate and destroy it unto the end 26然而審判者必坐庭,他的權柄必被奪去,以致毀壞、滅絕,一直到底。

By having it wu country beat the heavy armor of chu country , and wu zixu avenged his family and annihilated chu country ! ! 有了吳鉤,吳國破了楚國的重鎧,從而伍子胥報了家仇,滅了楚國! !

He swore on his honour that the russians would be annihilated if the emperor would let them have another division 他發誓說,只要皇帝再給一個師,俄國人就得完蛋。

On paper all these columns were in their proper place at a fixed time and annihilated the enemy 在紙面上,所有這些縱隊都在指定時間到達指定位置并消滅敵人。

At the same time half - facet data structure can be transformed using the dual facet annihilating method 同時提出了半面結構轉化為半邊結構的對偶面片湮滅法。

Some sort of discipline was killing him , pierre , robbing him of life , of all , annihilating him 某個制度要殺死他皮埃爾,要剝奪他的生命和一切,要消滅他。

The iraq will have been attacked if their leaders do not annihilate their fatal weapons 假如伊拉克的領導者不銷毀他們致命性的武器的話,他們將會遭受攻擊。

Morning . “ . . to the phenomenon that swept the earth , nearly annihilating our way of life . 早上好,到橫掃全球的各種幾乎徹底湮滅我們生活方式的奇怪現象

Morning . “ . to the phenomenon that swept the earth , nearly annihilating our way of life . 早上好,到橫掃全球的各種幾乎徹底湮滅我們生活方式的奇怪現象

And it is a long historical process to annihilate exploitation and eliminate polarization 徹底消滅剝削、消除兩極分化現象是一個十分漫長的歷史過程。

When you imagine that you can annihilate a reality , you can only assault it as you know it 當你想像你能消滅一個現實,其實你只能如你所知的攻擊它。

If i could do that , simpleton , where would the danger be ? annihilated in a moment “要是我能那樣做,傻瓜,那還有什么危險可言,頃刻之間就可排除。