
annie n.安妮〔女子名, Ann 的昵稱〕。

“ chris and annie : what we learned in hollywood . 克里絲和安妮:我們從好萊塢學到什么?

“i am steady,“ said annie . “我是在慢慢的啊!”安妮說。

“they got no right,“ said annie . “他們是沒有權力的,”安妮說。

“i can't,“ said annie importantly . “我不能,”安妮很緊張地說。

annie oakley

Annie s bee an internet missionary page 安妮的怎樣做互聯網福音使者網頁

Jason sees annie walking in front of him . he calls her 杰森見安妮走在前面,他叫住了她。

Copyright 1997 - 2006 annie s home page 安妮的主頁版權所有1997 - 2002

Annie : drop dead ! you ' re getting nothing from me 安妮:去死!你別想從我這兒借到一毛錢。

Annie : hang up jonah ! don ' t listen to her 安妮:掛線吧約拿!別聽她的!

Well do your best lord , protect katie . . . annie too , 我的主啊,請盡力保護,凱蒂還有安妮

Annie : can ' t you see it ? i am cooking 安妮:你看不出來嗎?我正在煮菜。

Annie garrett : peter , are you there ? peter 安妮:皮特,你在那嗎?皮特?

Annie : xiaoyu , do you want to watch a movie 安妮:小雨,你想不想看電影?

Annie goes on driving car , turning on the radio (安妮駕車繼續上路,她打開收音機。 )

Annie , i want to have our baby back home on naboo 安,我想回納布生養孩子

“ chris and annie : what we learned in hollywood . 克里絲和安妮:我們從好萊塢學到什么?

Well do your best lord , protect katie . annie too , 我的主啊,請盡力保護,凱蒂還有安妮

Buy annie s books , dvd and cd at amazon . com 購買“伊能靜”的書籍和音像制品

Annie : ( sarcastically ) well , i can believe this 安妮: (諷刺地)哦,竟然有這種事。