
annexation n.1.附加。2.合并,歸并,吞并。3.附加物,吞并物。

George stigler , u . s . a . famous economist , who gained nobel prize for economics said : “ none of big companies of u . s . a . did not grow up through the annexation of a certain degree , a certain way , nearly no big company grows up by interior expansion 美國著名經濟學家、諾貝爾經濟學獎得者喬治?施蒂格勒曾說過: “沒有一個美國的大公司不是通過某種程度、某種方式的兼并而成長起來的,幾乎沒有一家大公司是靠內部擴張成長起來的。 ”


The original intention of the introduction of enterprise ' s trusteeship to our country is to serve for reforming system in the state - owned enterprise . many scholars orientate it a supplement form of state - owned enterprises ’ assets reorganization or a prelude of enterprises ’ annexation , and think it is a kind of transitional policy 我國引入企業托管制度的初衷是為國企改制服務的,目前仍有許多學者將企業托管定位為國企資產重組的一種補充形式或者企業兼并收購的一種前奏,認為它是一種過渡性的政策。

Based upon the above analysis and the present development of changsha city commercial bank , the paper offers some suggestions on the strategic development of the city commercial banks of changsha , xiangtang , zhuzhou and yueyang and the annexation and reorganization of the banks in ningxiang county , wangcheng county , changsha county and liuyang 在前文分析的基礎上,從長沙市商業銀行發展現狀分析入手,著重對長、株、潭、岳四市商業銀行以及周邊四縣兼并重組的戰略發展提出建議,并列舉對瀏陽設立分支機構的案例進行分析。

The unprecedented development of transnational merging and annexation mainly by transnational corporations has signified that transnational merging and annexation has become major means for international investment . this is an important phenomena in direct investment field at the dawn of 20th century 世紀之交國際直接投資領域的一個重要現象,是以跨國公司為主體的跨國兼并與收購的空前發展,跨國并購已經成為跨國公司對外直接投資的主要方式。

Shanghai dafu textiles co . , ltd . , founded through annexation of and making investment in shanghai dawang garment and decorations co . , ltd . by japan guozhongrong co . , ltd . in october 2000 , is an industry - and - trade - combined foreign - investment enterprise integrated by production , supply and sale 上海大富紡織品有限公司是日本國中榮株式會社于2000年10月并購增資上海大望服飾有限公司后正式成立的一家集產、供、銷于一體的工貿結合型外商獨資企業。

George stigler , u . s . a . famous economist , who gained nobel prize for economics said : “ none of big companies of u . s . a . did not grow up through the annexation of a certain degree , a certain way , nearly no big company grows up by interior expansion 美國著名經濟學家、諾貝爾經濟學獎得者喬治?施蒂格勒曾說過: “沒有一個美國的大公司不是通過某種程度、某種方式的兼并而成長起來的,幾乎沒有一家大公司是靠內部擴張成長起來的。 ”

As a useful way to allocate resources optimally , m & a becomes a eternal topic in the capital market . george j . stigler , an american famous economist has ever said : “ none of american large companies grows up through certain degree and form of annexation and purchasing 美國著名經濟學家喬治?斯蒂格勒曾說: “沒有一個美國大公司不是通過某種程度、某種形式的兼并收購而成長起來的,幾乎沒有一家大公司主要是靠內部擴張成長起來。 ”

First , financial management must be involved into strategic management because the decision about long term investment and assets annexation are made by board of directors , the effects of these decisions will cover broad and exist in long time 財務管理關于長期投資、資本結構、資產重組等的重大決策需由企業的最高層做出,內蒙古電力作為出資者,掌握著集團公司的重大財務決策,因此財務管理有必要納入公司戰略管理。

The leading part for this monitoring should be the government institutions in charge of foreign capitals . absolute anti - monopoly institutions should be established , as in the case of united states and great britain , to inhibit the monopoly in the process of annexation 外資跨國兼并法律監管的主體應當為主管外資事務的政府機構,同時參照英美國家的做法,成立獨立的反壟斷機構,以防止外資跨國兼并過程中的壟斷。

In the case of china , which has become the hotspot for transnational annexation due to its highly developed economic growth , foreign investors , by means of transnational annexation , acquire its technology , talents , intangible assets , resources and labor at a reduced price 外商通過跨國兼并取得中國的技術、人才、無形資產以及廉價資源和勞動力,順利進入中國市場,搶占市場份額,以實現其全球化戰略。

A new boom of transnational annexation in the global area since the late 80s in twentieth century leads more and more foreign companies to choose transnational merger , rather than new building - up , as channels of investment 上世紀80年代后期以來,新一輪跨國兼并浪潮在全球風起云涌,越來越多的外商選擇跨國并購而非新建作為投資方式,中國由于經濟的高速增長而成為外商跨國兼并的熱點地區。

With pouring in of foreign financial capital and transnational corporations , chinese enterprises will face with serious compete . especially , bankruptcy , re - establishment and annexation of enterprise will become hot spot in several years 隨著外國金融資本和跨國公司的大量涌入,中國的企業正面臨著空前激烈的競爭,尤其是企業的破產、重組和兼并,將成為今后幾年中國社會的熱點問題。

In the second chapter , on the basis of the brief history of the development of financial annexation and reorganization and an analysis of its characteristics as well , the paper examines the future trends with three typical cases 第二章首先簡單回顧了國際金融業并購重組的發展史,分析其變化特征,對未來發展趨勢進行闡述,并列舉了三個典型案例。

We specialize in company registration , alteration and domestic stock rights annexation for solely foreign - funded enterprises , sino - foreign joint ventures and foreign representative offices in shanghai of all kinds and accumulate abundant experience 擁有的專業人員可以很周全的為您解答你提出的疑問并以最快速度完成您所委托的業務。

This ribbon bar belonging to karl rinklef shows the award ( second from the left ) in its proper place ; after the iron cross ribbon but before the long service and austria annexation medal 這個絲帶條屬于卡爾林克列夫顯示該獎章(左邊第二個)在適當的位置;在鐵十字章絲帶以后,在長期服務章和吞并奧地利獎章之前。

11 with reference to the us conquest and annexation of a third of mexico , who said : what has miserable , inefficient mexico to do with the great mission of peopling the new world with a noble race 談到美國吞并1 / 3個墨西哥這件事上,誰這么說:優等種族對新世界殖民的偉大使命,關可憐無能的墨西哥什么事?

As an alternative to annexation there is the choice of competition . this demands that european businesses . particularly those in the area of “ big science , ” become fully competitive 要免于受兼并,只有這么一個選擇,那就是競爭。這就要求歐洲各大企業,尤其是“大科學”領域的企業,必須具備充分的競爭力。

But recognition of the need for restitution was delayed because history books long depicted the country as germany ' s first victim , through annexation in 1938 1938年德國強行合并了奧地利,歷史書籍長期以來將奧地利視為德國的第一受害者,因而歸還納粹掠奪物至原主的必要性遲遲沒有提到日程。

Cultural differences are the most frequently mentioned causes of failures in the course of annexation and purchase , no matter before or after an annexed purchase transaction is finished 摘要在兼并和收購中,不論是并購交易完成前還是后,文化差異都是最常被提到的失敗的原因。