
annex vt.1.附加,添加,追加;附帶(條件) (to)。2....


Any annex is the integral part of this contract 本合同全部附件均為本合同的有效組成部分。

Part i : a general review of the court - annexed adr 第一部分,法院附設adr的一般考察。

Annex 5 : evaluation form of trainees on - the - job performance 附錄五:學員在職表現評核問卷

Annex a : reference guide for spot usd hkd fixing 附件:美元兌港元即期匯率定盤價參考說明

Components are included in annex d of part vii 有關的詢問及回覆只提供

Coer guide annex 7 summary table 環保報告指引-管制人員適用附件7撮要表

Annex of code of banking practice chapter 3 銀行營運守則第三章之附件

Annex building deluxe room catic hotel , zhuhai reservation 輔樓豪華房,珠海凱迪克酒店預訂

Annex - authorised institutions and local representative offices 認可機構及本港代表辦事處

A copy of swift s message is at annex 4 電信協會發出的電信副本載于附件

Hong kong monetary authority annual report 1996 annex a : a 截至一九九六年十二月三十一日

Annex c - result of the telephone opinion survey 附件c -電話意見調查結果

An insurance policy was annexed to the contract 合同上附加了保險條款。

Annex building single room beijing xiyuan hotel reservation 附樓單人房,北京西苑飯店預訂

Happiness is not always annexed to wealth 幸福并不一定是財富的附屬物。

The united states annexed texas in 1845 美國在1845年并吞了田納西地區。

National laws listed in annex iii to the basic law 《基本法》附件三載列的全國性法律;

Annex iv - public forums - details and enrolment form 附件四-公眾諮詢大會-詳情及報名表

Annex 1 members of financial action task force 附件1打擊清洗黑錢財務行動特別組織成員