
annette n.安妮特〔女子名, Ann 的昵稱〕。

Chin li and paul chin pei emulate an annette funicello and frankie avalon “ beach party “ movie in sunset as two teens fall in love while driving their cars around . yet their love become like a shakespearean tragedy 日本導演上梅次的這部電影,是70年代早期笑中有淚文藝片典型,故事描述井莉飾的車衣女工與秦沛飾的修車工,在夕陽萌生感情,后女因識破男的太子爺身份,深感受騙

Kim , annette . “ a market with the “ right “ property rights : the newly emerged private real estate market in ho chi minh city , vietnam . “ economics of transition 12 , no . 2 ( 2004 ) 一個有“對的“財產權的市場:越南胡志明市的新興私有房地產市場《轉型經濟學》第12期第2卷( 2004 )


Well , anyway , we shall take advantage of you to the utmost now we have got you , dear prince , said the little princess , in french , of course , to prince vassily . here it is not as it used to be at our evenings at annettes , where you always ran away . do you remember our dear annette “您看,親愛的公爵,我們現在至少要充分地享受您帶來的歡樂, ”矮小的公爵夫人對瓦西里公爵說,不言而喻,是用法國話說的, “這可不會像在安內特家中舉辦的晚會上那樣了,您在那里總是溜之大吉,您還記得cettechereanbnette ! ”

National ' s associate health spokesman dr paul hutchison said health minister annette king should carry out an urgent inquiry , but she should ensure minimal disruption to relatives and surgeons carrying out vital cardiac surgery 新西蘭國家健康部副發言人保羅哈奇森說,健康部長安妮特金會將會就此事展開一項緊急調查,同時確保將此事對死者家屬的干擾程度降到最低和保證重要心臟手術的正常進行。

National ' s associate health spokesman dr paul hutchison said health minister annette king should carry out an urgent inquiry , but she should ensure minimal disruption to relatives and surgeons carrying out vital cardiac surgery 新西蘭國家健康部副發言人保羅?哈奇森說,健康部長安妮特?金會將會就此事展開一項緊急調查,同時確保將此事對死者家屬的干擾程度降到最低和保證重要心臟手術的正常進行。

Chin li and paul chin pei emulate an annette funicello and frankie avalon “ beach party “ movie in sunset as two teens fall in love while driving their cars around . yet their love become like a shakespearean tragedy 日本導演上梅次的這部電影,是70年代早期笑中有淚文藝片典型,故事描述井莉飾的車衣女工與秦沛飾的修車工,在夕陽萌生感情,后女因識破男的太子爺身份,深感受騙

I often wonder at you , annette , the way you go racing off alone , at your age , to moscow , and to petersburg , to all the ministers , and all the great people , and know how to get round them all too 安內特,我對你的境況常常感到驚訝,你這個年紀,怎么一個人乘坐馬車,去莫斯科,去彼得堡,到各位部長那里去,到各個貴族那里去,你善于應酬各種人,真令我感到驚奇!

Annette , for gods sake dont refuse me , the countess said suddenly with a blush , which was strangely incongruous with her elderly , thin , and dignified face , taking the money from under her handkerchief “安內特,看在上帝份上,不要拒絕我吧, ”伯爵夫人忽然說,面紅耳赤,這在她那瘦削莊重中年人的面孔上顯得十分古怪。這時候,她從手帕下面掏出錢來。

Prince ippolit stood close to the pretty princess , so soon to be a mother , and stared persistently straight at her through his eyeglass . go in , annette , youll catch cold , said the little princess , saying good - bye to anna pavlovna “安內特,您進去吧,您會傷風的, ”矮小的公爵夫人一面向安娜帕夫洛夫娜告辭,一面對她說。

At the same time , teoheng ( taoyuan ) county governor ly siulen ( annette lu ) is proposing president lee to build a park next to chiang ' s tomb in _ zu / o that collects and exhibiting chiang ' s statues from all over the place 拄好這久桃園縣長呂秀蓮建議阿輝總統佇慈湖介石墓邊設一耶公園倘好收集及展示四界搬來耶介石銅像。

A spokesman for environment minister marian hobbs , who introduced the proposed banning law , said the transplant clause was a matter for health minister annette king 環境部部長的一位發言人瑪麗安?霍布斯提到了建議中的禁止動物組織移植的法律,她說有關動物組織移植的條款是衛生部長安尼特?金提出的。

The early beginnings of the sport can be traced to 1907 , when annette kellerman caught the national eye as the first underwater ballerina by performing “ water ballet ” at the new york hippodrome 運動最早開始于1907年,安妮特?凱勒曼在紐約競技場表演水上芭蕾,第一次引起了全國的關注。

Kim , annette . “ a market with the “ right “ property rights : the newly emerged private real estate market in ho chi minh city , vietnam . “ economics of transition 12 , no . 2 ( 2004 ) 一個有“對的“財產權的市場:越南胡志明市的新興私有房地產市場《轉型經濟學》第12期第2卷( 2004 )

Why is it , i often wonder , she began in french as always , while she hurriedly and fussily settled herself in the low chair , why is it annette never married “我為什么常常思考, ”她像平常那樣說了一句德國話,就連忙坐在安樂椅上, “安內特為什么還不嫁人呢?

He swiftly called for a recount and raised doubts about the shooting attempt on the president and vice president annette lu , which he says affected the vote 他迅速地要求重新驗票并懷疑陳總統和呂副總統槍擊射事件影響了選票投向。

Annette is careful to match under sunlight , since the artificial pallor of fluorescent bulbs isn ' t a reliable indicator of true color 安尼塔認真地在陽光下作著對比,因為熒光燈發出的蒼白色人造光不能反映出真正的色澤。

Listen , dear annette , said the prince , suddenly taking his companions hand , and for some reason bending it downwards “ ecoutez , chreannette , ”公爵說道,他忽然抓住交談者的手,不知怎的使它稍微向下彎。

Annette joined a new company so she could get in on the ground floor . that way she can participate in the company ' s growth 安妮加入了一家新成立的公司,這樣她得到了最早的機會使她可以參與公司地成長。

Costume props delivers one of padme ' s headdress mockups for annette to style natalie ' s looks 服裝道具組提供了一個帕德美的頭部實物模型給安尼塔,讓她可以設計帕德美的發型。