
annelida n.pl. 【動物;動物學】環節動物門。


The amounts of limnodrilus hoffmeisteri increased gradually from baihe to huacao section , and reached a peak in huacao section ; species from annelida , mollusca were not found in beixinjing and wuninglu sections ; species from oligochaeta were found and had certain numbers in zhejiang road section as the result of the effect of counterflow of the huangpu river 1材料與方法1 1采樣斷面及采樣點在蘇州河上海市區段的上游至下游共設6個采樣斷面,分別是白鶴、黃渡、華槽、北新涇、武寧路和浙江路斷面。每個采樣斷面又分別設3 - 6個采樣點。

But as a matter of fact , athropoda has some more complex characteristics than annelida , such as the exoskeleton , departmental body - plan and segmented appendages , which , as one parameter , results in the abundance of arthropod fossils in the chengjiang fossil lagerstatte 但節肢動物還具有比環節動物更高級的特征,如:身體分部、附肢分節;循環、生殖、排泄等系統均較環節動物復雜高級,這可能是澄江化石庫中節肢動物種數豐富的一個很重要的原因。

In the p5 to p7 phases , most shrimp settle into life on the bottom or sides of the pond , they need only annelida and nematoda . at this time , 一般稚蝦在p5 p7就開始進入底棲生活或倚壁生活,而嗜食環節動物annelida及圓形動物nematoda等小型底棲動物。