
annelid n.【動物;動物學】環蟲,蠕蟲,環節動物。


As we all know , bilateral symmetry , three - layer embryo , metamerism and having a relatively developed head are the common characteristics of the arthropoda and annelida , so it is believed that arthropod originated from annelid 由于節肢動物具備環節動物兩側對稱、三胚層、身體分節、頭部較發達等特征,所以一般認為節肢動物起源于環節動物或類似環節動物的祖先。

Standard guide for conducting acute , chronic , and life - cycle aquatic toxicity tests with polychaetous annelids 用多毛綱環節動物做劇烈的慢性的及壽命周期水生動物毒性試驗的標準指南

Standard guide for conducting sediment toxicity tests with marine and estuarine polychaetous annelids 用海洋和港灣多毛綱環節動物作沉積物毒性試驗的標準導則