
anne n.1.安妮〔女子名〕。2.英國女王〔1702-1714...

“ my name is anne marie hoak , and this is my diary “我叫安瑪麗霍克,這是我的日記

Anne macrory remarked, “i don't know, dorothy, how we managed before you came. “ 安妮馬克羅里鄭重其事地說:“多蘿茜,我不知道,你們沒來的那陣子我們是怎么過日子的。”

Anne said in her frostiest “kirkcaldy“ voice, “i hope you slept very well last night. “ 安妮以她最冷若冰霜的“柯克卡爾蒂”口吻說道:“我希望你昨晚睡了個好覺。”

“i'm so glad that kirrin island is still yours, george,“ said anne sleepily from her bed . “我真高興,吉林島還是你的,喬治。”安妮躺在床上睡意朦朧地說。


Saint anne . when the angels did the . . 圣?安妮.當天使把房子拉到天空. .

Anne : it ' s 4 o ' clock , time for high tea 安:四點鐘了,是傍晚茶時間了。

Lalita , doesn ' t anne look wonderful in lndian clothes ? 拉里塔,安穿印度服裝也很好看吧

Hrh the princess royal , princess anne s visit to china 安妮公主殿下訪華

Takeshi kaneshiro , anne suzuki , goro kishitani 金城武,鈴木幸,岸谷五朗

Anne is easily ruffled by awkward questions 安娜容易被一些難以回答的問題弄得心煩意亂。

Anne : and for dessert ? ice cream or cake 安妮:再準備些什么甜點呢?是冰淇淋還是蛋糕?

Most favorite star : anne murray 最喜歡明星: anne murray加拿大的鄉村女歌手

Do you know what einstein said about roulette , anne 你知道愛因斯坦怎么說輪盤呢,安妮

Anne - sophie mutter , violin date thursday june 22 , 2006 A大調第五小提琴協奏曲,作品219

All my family except anne are buried there 除了安妮,我所有的家人都埋在那塊墓地里。

Truck ' s registered to a mary anne keiiy of agua duice 那卡車的登記車主是瑪莉安?凱利

I ' m sorry about anne coming . i didn ' t know 安來的事我很抱歉,我事先不知道

Anne wimbles , flo wangles - yet can you blame them 然而,你能責備她們嗎?

Buy anne thongprasom s books , dvd and cd at amazon . com 購買“安妮”的書籍和音像制品