
annapolis n.安納波利斯〔美國港市〕。

“ there ' s a whole industry of people who work all winter long on people ' s boats so that they ' ll be in shape for their owners to go out and play all summer , “ said jeff holland , director of the annapolis maritime museum 安納波利斯海事博物館館長杰夫霍蘭德說: “這個行業所有的人整個冬天都在別人的船上工作,這樣船只才能做好準備供船主外出游玩一夏天。 ”

“ there ' s a whole industry of people who work all winter long on people ' s boats so that they ' ll be in shape for their owners to go out and play all summer , “ said jeff holland , director of the annapolis maritime museum 安納波利斯海事博物館館長杰夫?霍蘭德說: “這個行業、所有的人整個冬天都在別人的船上工作,這樣船只才能做好準備供船主外出游玩一夏天。

The sock bonfire , he said , is a way of remembering annapolis “ bygone days of working - class watermen who brought in crabs in the summer and scraped the paint off wooden vessels in the winter 他說,襪子篝火是紀念安納波利斯船工們舊日生活的一種方式。過去,船工們夏天出海打回螃蟹,冬天就在木船上把船體上的漆一點點的刮下來。


Moreover , it seems unlikely that israel will be able to foist responsibility for gaza onto egypt , in the hope that the palestinians ' fledgling two - part state would remain politically as well as territorially divided , with the bigger west bank bit amiably engaged in the peace talks with israel that were relaunched two months ago at annapolis 而且,以色列似乎不太可能將加沙的責任強加給埃及,希望巴勒斯坦2個部分繼續保持政治上和領土上的分裂,同時稍大的西岸部分致力于和以色列進行2個月前于安納波利斯重新開始的和平談判。

Israel ' s agreement to start negotiating a peace treaty with fatah , underwritten by the american administration at annapolis , seemed to rest on an assumption that both sides would keep the incorrigibles of hamas ? and gaza ? out of any deal 在美國政府的幫助下,以色列同意和法塔赫在安納波利斯開始和平談判,似乎雙方都以為可以將哈馬斯和加沙那些無可救藥的人排除在任何條約之外。

“ there ' s a whole industry of people who work all winter long on people ' s boats so that they ' ll be in shape for their owners to go out and play all summer , “ said jeff holland , director of the annapolis maritime museum 安納波利斯海事博物館館長杰夫霍蘭德說: “這個行業所有的人整個冬天都在別人的船上工作,這樣船只才能做好準備供船主外出游玩一夏天。 ”

The grand thing mr bush can do is to stop saying , as he did in annapolis last november , that it is for messrs olmert and abbas and nobody else to hammer out a two - state deal 布什先生能夠做的主要的事情就是停止夸夸其談,就像他在去年11月在安納波利斯做的那樣,那個時候是為了讓奧爾默特和阿巴斯兩位先生能達成一個雙邊協議,除了他們倆沒有其他人參加討論。

“ there ' s a whole industry of people who work all winter long on people ' s boats so that they ' ll be in shape for their owners to go out and play all summer , “ said jeff holland , director of the annapolis maritime museum 安納波利斯海事博物館館長杰夫?霍蘭德說: “這個行業、所有的人整個冬天都在別人的船上工作,這樣船只才能做好準備供船主外出游玩一夏天。

In sailing - crazy annapolis , boaters celebrate the first day of spring with a ceremonial burning of the socks , signifying it will soon be warm enough to wear shoes without socks 在“航海之鄉”安納波利斯(美國馬里蘭州首府) ,船工們會在春季的第一天舉行燒襪子儀式,以慶祝春天的到來。這標志著不久之后天氣就會變暖,他們就可以光腳穿鞋了。

The sock bonfire , he said , is a way of remembering annapolis “ bygone days of working - class watermen who brought in crabs in the summer and scraped the paint off wooden vessels in the winter 他說,襪子篝火是紀念安納波利斯船工們舊日生活的一種方式。過去,船工們夏天出海打回螃蟹,冬天就在木船上把船體上的漆一點點的刮下來。

There in the presence of the main players of this annapolis meeting he spoke of the participants shared vision of two democratic states : israel and palestine existing side by side 巴以雙方不少重要人士都出席了這次安納波利斯會議.在會上他代表所有出席者發言說,與會者一致同意以色列和巴勒斯坦作為兩個獨立的共和國存在

A day after the international peace conference in annapolis , maryland , president bush held follow - up talks at the white house with israel ' s ehud olmert and palestinian leader mahmoud abbas 在安納波利斯?馬里蘭州舉行的國際和平會議結束后的一天?布什總統在白宮主持了與以色列總統?巴基斯坦領導人的隨后談話。

A day after the international peace conference in annapolis , maryland , president bush held follow - up talks at the white house with israel ' s ehud olmert and palestinian leader mahmoud abbas 在美國馬里蘭安納波利斯召開的國際和平會議一天后,總統不什在白宮繼續與以色列和巴勒斯坦領導人展開對話。

In sailing - crazy annapolis , boaters celebrate the first day of spring with a ceremonial burning of the socks , signifying it will soon be warm enough to wear shoes without socks 在“航海之鄉”安納波利斯美國馬里蘭州首府,船工們會在春季的第一天舉行燒襪子儀式,以慶祝春天的到來。

In sailing - crazy annapolis , boaters celebrate the first day of spring with a ceremonial burning of the socks , signifying it will soon be warm enough to wear boat shoes without socks 焚燒襪子對當地人來說意味著不久天氣回暖就可以赤腳穿鞋而不被凍著。這種傳統始于上世紀80年代中期。

Mr bush will fly to israel in the next few days ( his first visit there as president ) in order to build on the momentum of november ' s annapolis summit 布什先生將在未來幾天飛去以色列(他當選總統后第一次來這里) ,以鞏固巴以之間的和談成果,他們曾于11月在安納波利斯舉行首腦會談。

In the following year , john dickinson of delaware presided over the annapolis convention , which called for the federal constitutional convention , that met in philadelphia the next year 1786年, john dickinson主持安那波利斯會議。他在會上呼吁第二年在費城舉行聯邦憲法會議。

The tradition began in the mid - 1980s , when an employee at annapolis yacht yard tired of his winter days doing engine maintenance on yachts and power boats 燒襪子迎春的傳統始于20世紀80年代中期,當時安納波利斯游艇修理場里有一個工人實在是厭倦了在游艇和汽艇上維修

In sailing - crazy annapolis , boaters celebrate the first day of spring with a ceremonial burning of the socks , signifying it will soon be warm enough to wear boat shoes without socks 焚燒襪子對當地人來說意味著不久天氣回暖就可以赤腳穿鞋而不被凍著。