
annals n.pl.1.編年史。2.年代記,年表,年鑒,年刊。3....

“ the brand is changed , specialization , standardization , collectivize “ it is ai lai depends on group arrow annals not the development course of change “品牌化、專業化、規范化、集團化”是艾萊依集團矢志不渝的發展路線。


“ the brand is changed , specialization , standardization , collectivize “ it is ai lai depends on group arrow annals not the development course of change “品牌化、專業化、規范化、集團化”是艾萊依集團矢志不渝的發展路線。

This essay analyses the similarities and differences between environmental history and annals school from the perspective of humankind 摘要環境史家與年鑒學派共同方面在于對“人”的角色及其活動的更新和豐富。

If negatie , that indicates a low likelihood of te , according to the panel ( annals of family medicine , january - february 2007 , ol . 5 : 1 , pp . 57 - 62 ) 根據小組的觀點,如果結果呈陰性,那么表示發生te的可能性低。

Recurring themes are readily discernible in the annals of history . there ' s little doubt that history does , in fact , repeat itself 在歷史紀錄上完全可以找到重復的主題。實際上,毫無疑問,歷史會重演。

The family heads among the descendants of levi up to the time of johanan son of eliashib were recorded in the book of the annals 23利未人作族長的、記在歷史上、直到以利亞實的兒子約哈難的時候。

The other events of jeroboam ' s reign , his wars and how he ruled , are written in the book of the annals of the kings of israel 19耶羅波安其馀的事、他怎樣爭戰、怎樣作王、都寫在以色列諸王記上。

Mark p . hampton . backpacker tourism and economic development [ j ] . annals of tourism research , 1998 , 25 ( 3 ) : 639 - 660 資料來源:筆者對西街旅游小企業部分從業人員的訪談,時間: 2003年8月和2004年8月

Acpe - approved continuing education from the publisher of the annals of pharmacotherapy and the journal of pharmacy technology -提供美國藥典,英國藥典,歐洲藥典,日本藥典介紹及服務。

There is little doubt that this ruin is one of the two forts built in 1817 as mentioned in the guangdong annals 若如《廣東通志》所載,該地建有兩座炮臺,這一遺跡無疑是其中一座。

1 jackson m . the meaning of requirements . annals of software engineering , 1997 , 3 : 5 - 21 比利時盧維思天主教大學的axel van lamsweerde教授提出的kaos方法是一種面向目標的方法。

Sketches are drawn from the malay annals and accounts provided by chinese explorers and the early portuguese 《馬來紀年》以及中國和葡萄牙探險家的記載勾畫了粗略的輪廓。

Appear on the market when do the annals of the company , half annals , quarterly reports go out commonly ? thank 上市公司的年報、半年報、季報等一般是什么時候出的?謝謝

Your soul was not born yesterday , but before the annals of time as you think of time 你們的靈魂并非誕生于昨日,而是在你們所認為的時間之始之前。

The spring and autumn annals is a historical record of the state of lu from 722 to 481b . c 《春秋》記錄了從公元前722年到公元前481年的魯國歷史。

The widespread destruction from this typhoon will be in the annals of the nation ' s history 臺風所造成的滿目瘡痍將被載入該國的史冊里。

Entered in the annals 記入年報

Annals of the institute of statistical mathematics , 1988 , 40 : 641 - 663 在計算機圖形學中,紋理映射是增強繪制真實感的關鍵技術。

Annals of interal medicine 藥物分析雜志