
annal n.〔古語〕紀要,紀事錄。


It puts forward that the realization of human capital ' s involvement in the distribution of the income of enterprise , a further arrangement of the system of human capital of soes in the distribution of the income of the enterprise should be made and further the system of technology stock , annal - pay system and stock system 在客觀上全社會沒有建立起人力資本參與企業收入分配的理論分配原則。需要對國有企業的收入分配制度進行改革,建立起與人力資本地位提升相適應的以激勵為主要特征的分配理論和分配制度。

It also studies he the mode of human capital ' s involvement in the distribution of the income of the enterprise - the improvement of the annal - pay system for the managers and the stock share system 提出要實現人力資本參與企業收入分配,必須完善國有企業人力資本參與企業收入分配的制度安排,進一步完善技術入股制度、經理年薪制和股票期權制度。

The readers of national geographic traveler are relatively superior than the average level of chinese high income group whether from their educational backgroud , position , annal individual and family income 無論從學歷水平、職位狀況,還是從個人年收入、家庭年收入來看, 《時尚旅游》的讀者構成都優于中國新富總體平均水平。

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