
ann n.安〔女子名〕。

“ can you tell me what fish net is made , ann ? “你能告訴我魚網是什么做的嗎,安?


I see you ' ve met shelby . - hello , ann -我看你已經見過謝爾比了-你好,安

The ann model of bus - bar protection 母線保護的人工神經網絡模型的構建與仿真

Ann writes good english but does not speak well 安英語寫得好,說得卻很爛。

Hello . may i introduce myself ? my name ' s ann 嗨!讓我自我介紹一下,我叫安。

Peter asked ann if she had seen his blue notebook 彼得問安是否見到他的筆記本了。 ”

Ann ' s mother forbids her to go out with andrew 安的媽媽不準她和安德魯出去

6 ann has breakfast with sally . they are sisters 6安與莎莉一起吃早餐。他們是姊妹。

Would you like to go to ann ' s birthday party tomorrow 你想明天參加安的生日聚會嗎?

Ann : it is so white that i never saw before 安:我從來沒看見過那樣的白色。

While ann was watching tv , her father came home (安正在看電視時,她父親回來了。 )

Ann , there ' s so many places i ' d iike to take you Ann ,有太多的地方我想帶你去

Ann : i ' m just saying you might try something new 安:我只是說你或許可以試試新的。

Ann : do you think i should 1 ) color my hair again 安:你覺得我應該再染一染頭發嗎?

By convenient method practitioner ann madden , ireland 愛爾蘭方便法同修安瑪丹

Mary and ann will be sworn into the club tonight 瑪麗和安今晚將宣誓加入該俱樂部。

Jim : hello . ann . this is jim ? jim green 吉姆:你好,安!我是吉姆? ?吉姆?格林。

Ann , tell patsy to stop playing with her food Ann ,讓patsy停止玩弄她的食物。

Ray miss mary ann fisher , ladies and gentlemen 女士們先生們,歡迎瑪麗安費雪小姐