
ankylose vt.1.使(骨)長合。2.使(關節)僵硬。vi.1.(...

Ankylosing spondylitis ( as ) , a rheumatic inflammatory disease primarily affecting the spine and sacroiliac joints , is also called “ morbus bechterew “ in some european countries 一種開始影響脊椎和骶髂關節的風濕性炎癥疾病,在某些歐洲國家亦稱為“別赫捷列夫關節病” 。


The coronal approach provides wide exposure of surgical field when approaching the bilateral joints and developing the temporalis fascial flap for disc replacement . a case of ankylosing spondylitis with multiple joints ankylosis utilizing coronal approach in replacement of bilateral tmj was reported 本文報告一僵直性脊椎炎造成全身多處關節黏連,包括兩側顳顎關節黏連的病例,應用冠狀切開術施行兩人工顎關節置換術,獲致令人滿意的結果。

Results after 47 patients came imto our institutio , al cases were examined carefully , funally they were divied into several groups , including 13 cases of sacroiliac joint malposition , 10 cases of ankylosing spondylitis , 6cases of metastasis of malignant tumor , 18 cases of sacrocoxitis 結果47例患者入院后經仔細檢查,分別確診為骶髂關節錯位13例,強直性脊柱炎10例,惡性腫瘤骶髂關節轉移6例,骶髂關節炎18例。

It is applicable to patients with diabetes , cardio - cerebrovascular disease , wind dampness , rheumatoid disease , ankylosing spondylitis , anemia , climacteric syndrome , mottle and other syndromes with disordered endocrine , unbalanced metabolism and low immunity 用于糖尿病、心腦血管病、風濕、類風濕、強直性脊柱炎、貧血、更年期綜合癥、色斑等內分泌失調、代謝紊亂、免疫力低下的人群。

Ankylosing spondylitis ( as ) is a kind of systemic disease mainly with chronic inflammation of middle axle joint and the bony attachment point of tendon and ligament , with very low incidence , easily diagnosed as other diseases by mistake in clinic 強直性脊柱炎( as )是一種以中軸關節和肌腱韌帶骨附著點的慢性炎癥為主的全身性疾病,發病率極低,臨床上極易誤診為其他疾病。

If there is no ankylosing spondylitis ( as ) patient organisation in your country , the following may help you and your fellow patients to prepare the foundation of such a society which is extremely helpful for living with the disease 如果你的國家還沒有as患者組織,下面資料可以幫助你和你的病友們準備成立這樣一個協會,這在疾病伴隨你的一生中會有用的!

The medications have greatly improved the treatment of several inflammatory conditions , including rheumatoid arthritis , psoriatic arthritis , ankylosing spondylitis ( a condition that affects the spine and the sacroiliac joints ) , and crohn ' s disease , a bowel disorder 這些藥物在治療類風濕性關節炎、強直性脊柱炎、克羅恩并等方面取得了很好的療效。

New york ( reuters health ) aug 07 - findings from an icelandic study suggest that there is a common genetic background for inflammatory bowel disease ( ibd ) and ankylosing spondylitis ( as ) 紐約(路透社) 8月7日,一項來自冰島的研究顯示:炎癥性腸病( ibd )和強直性脊柱炎( as )具有共同的遺傳學背景。

Ankylosing spondylitis ( as ) , a rheumatic inflammatory disease primarily affecting the spine and sacroiliac joints , is also called “ morbus bechterew “ in some european countries 一種開始影響脊椎和骶髂關節的風濕性炎癥疾病,在某些歐洲國家亦稱為“別赫捷列夫關節病” 。

We present a case of ankylosing spondilytis who suffered from lower cervical spine fracture dislocation from a minor trauma 摘要我們在此報導一位僵直性脊椎炎患者,雖然遭受輕微創傷,卻導致低位頸椎骨折脫臼。

Patients with ankylosing spondilytis are very susceptible to spine fracture even on a trivial trauma 這病例再次地提醒大家,僵直性脊椎炎患者的脊柱異常地脆弱,甚至只是輕微的創傷,都可能會導致骨折。

B27 association is a self help group established in 1995 by a group of ankylosing spondylitis patients B27協進會是由一?患有強直性脊椎炎的病友合力組織起來,在1995年成立的自助互助團體

Treatment of hip joint deformity cause by ankylosing spondylitis with replacement of total hip : a report of 12 cases 全髖關節置換術治療強直性脊柱炎晚期嚴重髖關節固定畸形12例

Clinical observation on total glucosides of paeony combined with sulfasalazine in treatment of ankylosing spondylitis 白芍總甙聯合柳氮磺吡啶治療強直性脊柱炎臨床觀察

Effective assessment of hip joints soft tissue release in lightening the ache symptom of ankylosing spondylitis 髖關節軟組織松解術緩解強直性脊柱炎疼痛癥狀的療效評估

Clinical observation of kidney - nourishing , meridian - warming and dampness - removing therapy for ankylosing spondylitis 益腎溫經?濕法治療強直性脊柱炎的臨床觀察

Clinical observation on treatment based on syndrome differentiation in 40 cases of juvenile ankylosing spondylitis 中醫辨證治療幼年強直性脊柱炎40例臨床觀察

The fda has approved a indication for the drug : relief of signs and symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis Fda已經批準該藥緩解強直性脊椎炎疼痛和癥狀的適應證。

Observation on the therapeutic effect of lingnan muscle - pricking therapy for treatment of ankylosing spondylitis 嶺南挑筋法治療強直性脊柱炎療效觀察