
ankle n.踝;踝節部,腳脖子。vi.〔美俚〕走,走路。

“ absorb the pressure from your knees and ankles 時間time :顯示您運度的時間。

ankle bone

Say that i get it on the ankles , i am a priest 我把它紋在我腳踝上證明我是個牧師。

Fat ankles . - it ' s barbara fucking bush 沒用的娘們-那是他媽的芭芭拉布什

Walt , should you be dancing on a sprained ankle 沃特,你扭傷了腳還要跳舞?

I ' m slightly indisposed . my ankle and stuff like this 我有點頭暈,我的腳踝也不舒服

Surgical treatment of ankle fracture in danis - weber type c 型骨折的手術治療

Marta : i twisted my ankle , and i couldn ' ' t stand up 我的腳踝扭傷,簡直無法站起來

D : did you ever notice any swelling in your ankles 您發覺過您腳脖子浮腫嗎?

Please , god , let me sprain my ankle as soon as possible 求求你上帝快讓我扭傷腳踝

He has pain in other joints including knee and ankle 其它關節疼痛包括膝蓋和腳踝。

If you can not grab your ankles , grab your knees 如果你抓不到腳踝,請改抱住雙膝。

He gave a wrench to his ankle when he jumped down 他跳下去的時候扭傷了足踝。

An ankle injury ruled him out for the big match 腳踝的受傷使他無法參加這場大賽。

Surgical treatment of ankle fracture and dislocation 后外旋型踝關節骨折脫位的治療

He retaliated on the boy by kicking on his ankle 他踢那個男孩的腳踝骨作為報復。

James bond : it ' s on the bracelet on your ankle 占士邦:它(名字)在你的腳鐲上。

The doctors have taped up my swollen ankle 醫生們用繃帶把我腫起的腳踝包扎起來。

The baseball player wrenched his ankle on the play 壘球隊員在比賽時扭傷了踝部。

Some kinds of bamboo grow no higher than your ankles 有些竹子沒有你的腳踝高。