
anisometric adj.不等軸的。


Powerformer have some changes in constract with the conventional generator , subsequently it also have some new problems in order to have an economical , efficient , credible development and application the structure and the philosophy of electromagnetism of powerformer will be on speaking terms changes electrical design , magnetism design , thermal design and structural design are have some new changes above all , the electromagnetism parameter and the harmonic magnetomotive force of powerformer are studied in this paper first , it mainly utilizes analytics to deduce formula of slot leakage reactance it considers three instances , including monolayer - slot , multilayer isometric - slot and multilayer anisometric - slot then , the analytics and the fem are utilized to calculate slot leakage reactance of stator winding of prototype of powerformer and compare their results second , the theory of utilitzing fem to calculate the reactance of powerformer is simply introduced , including stable reactance , transient and subtransient reactance specially , the saturated influence of the stable reactance is considered then , the results are analysed final , it mainly introduces the influence of harmonic magnetomotive force of stator winding and analyses the harmonic magnetomotive force of stator winding then , it mainly analyse harmonic magneto - motive force of stator winding through arranging various arrays of stator winding and observe their influence 基于上述原因,本文對powerformer的電磁參數以及定子繞組諧波磁勢進行了研究。首先是用解析法推導出powerformer定子繞組槽漏抗的計算公式,考慮了單層圓形半閉口槽、多層等半徑圓形半閉口槽和多層不等半徑圓形半閉口槽三種情況,并對powerformer樣機的定子繞組槽漏抗用解析法和有限元法進行了計算,并比較其結果;其次,簡要介紹了有限元法計算powerformer電抗參數的原理,包括穩態電抗、瞬態電抗和超瞬態電抗,對穩態電抗考慮飽和影響,對結果進行分析;最后,介紹定子繞組諧波磁勢對電機運行性能的影響并對定子繞組諧波磁勢進行了分析。然后通過對定子繞組進行不同排列來分析定子繞組諧波磁勢,看看繞組排列對諧波磁勢的影響。