
anisomerous adj.【植物;植物學】(花部的)不齊數的。


It thoroughly analyses the drastic competitive market faced by yongsheng group , which consequentially promote the enterprise inside continuously to improve its labor productivity , product quality , and improve the outer circumstances of services , anisomerous structures on the employee ’ s quantity and quality , and the inner circumstances which limited and affected the whole stuff diathesis ’ s improvement and enhancement . it sums up the existing problems on yongsheng group ’ s human resources development and management and puts forward the mode of yongsheng group ’ s 1e3p1c human resources management system . the mode of 1e3p1c human resources management system is composed of engage system , position analyse system , performance examine system , pay administration system , culture system 永生集團同其他民營企業一樣也曾走過一段輝煌的時光,但隨著外部競爭環境的不斷變化,至1998年年底,已累計虧損200萬元,但近幾年來,集團高層管理者及時調整了管理思路和領導班子,至2005年低,集團公司利潤超過了公司重組集團效益最優時5個百分點,在長期的調查研究過程中,不難發現,永生企業在外部競爭環境日常激烈的情況下扭虧為盈并取得迅猛的發展的強大動力源很大程度上取決于其是在人力資源管理方面的及時調整,并在長期的模索中形成一套適合自身企業發展的科學合理的1e3p1c人力資源管理系統。

Three aspects have been emphasized at the beginning of this century . firstly , multipolarized relationship has been formed among different countries , featuring as anisomerous and multi - directionally motivated 世紀之初的世界,強調了三個方面,首先國家間關系初步形成了多極化的結構性特征,并表現為非對稱性和多向互動的運動規律。

Companying this sharp decrease , the relationship of us and russia turned from largely symmetrical to anisomerous state 伴隨著這一實力坍塌,美俄關系由大致對稱狀態轉變為非對稱狀態。