
aniseed n.大茴香子,八角子。


Stir - fry pork shreds in a wok , add thick chilli bean sauce , mustard greens , pickled chilli shreds , five spices powder prickly ash , star aniseed , sinnamon , clove , fennel , cool . put the pork shreds into the duck and seal up the duck s anus , stew till done , take out , remove the pork shreds , and mustard greens . cut the duck into slices , place on a plate together with pork shreds , mustard greens , pancakes and sauce 另鍋下油炒肉絲,加豆瓣醬冬菜,泡椒絲五香菜,晾涼后裝入鴨腹內賭住鴨肛門,上燒爐燒熟,出爐后,取出肉絲冬菜裝小盤內,鴨肉片大片裝盤,與鴨餅肉絲,冬菜和味汁一同上桌即成。

Traditional food : meng damao fragrant rice cake , yuewei beans flavored with aniseed , chang tangjiao bamboo shoots , cao chicken , yue chicken , fermented bean curd ; fermented series : fermented dry vegetable , fermented bean skin , fermented beans , fermented vegetable ; pickled series : pickled duck , pickled chicken , pickled vegetable ; modern food series : rice noodle , chinese turtle , pearl powder ; liquor - marinated series : liquor - saturated shrimps , liquor - saturated chicken , and liquor - marinated dry fish 傳統食品類有:孟大茂香糕、越味茴香豆、長塘角筍、糟雞、越雞、腐乳;霉系列有:如霉干菜、霉千張、霉毛豆、霉莧菜梗;醬系列有:醬雞、醬鴨、醬菜等產品;現代食品類有:銀絲米面、中華鱉、珍珠粉;醉系列有:如醉蝦、醉雞、醉魚干等產品。

Depending on local traditions - and the cook ' s personal touch - curry may also feature mace , aniseed , caraway , fennel , fenugreek , bay leaf , poppy seeds , saffron , cayenne pepper , or mustard seeds 根據地方傳統和廚師的個人風格咖哩也許以豆蔻香料、洋茴香、葛縷子(香菜) 、茴香、葫蘆巴、月桂葉、罌粟種子、番紅花、卡宴胡椒,或芥末種子為特色。

Monsieur defarge s olfactory sense was by no means delicate , but the stock of wine smelt much stronger than it ever tasted , and so did the stock of rum and brandy and aniseed 德伐日先生的嗅覺并不靈敏,但是店里的葡萄酒味卻比平時濃了許多,甜酒白蘭地和茴香的氣味也濃。

Bouquet : an enticing mixture of ripe plum , blackberry , aniseed , spice with a hint of black pepper . dark chocolate and black coffee characters add to the wines charm 氣味:混合有成熟的洋李、黑莓、香料等香味而形成的迷人酒香,還帶有幾分巧克力和咖啡的香味。

Bring to boil and turn to med - low heat . add star aniseeds and water ( cover the flank beef ) to cook the flank beef for 2 hours until it becomes tender 改用中慢火? ,放入八角及水(水深至覆蓋牛腩面) , ?兩小時至牛腩酥爛。

Enterprise background : the main product is dry star aniseed . the sales income was usd 1 , 200 , 000 , the profit was usd 115 , 000 in 2003 本場主要產品是八角干果, 2003年銷售收入達120萬美元;實現利潤11 . 5萬美元。

Ecological climate characters and climatic division of aniseed illicium verum in guangxi province 八角的氣候生態特性及其經濟布局區劃

Pimpinella ansium linnaeus . spices and condiments . aniseed pimpinella ansium linnaeus . specification 佐料和調味品.綠茴香

Essential oils . oil of aniseed 香精油.茴香子香精油

That first taste of aniseed . the bread 入口全是茴香的清香只有面包