
anise n.【植物;植物學】大茴香。


Geng ventebra is the supply of human body brain department blood biggest hub , pawn geng ventebra appearance patient , scondition can anise headache , migraine , heart disease , hypertension and siabetes adopt vanious famous and precious ptant through professional skill , alleviate to aim at gebg vertebra strain stick out , shoylder jia scorching etc , case 頸椎是人體供應腦部血液最大軀紐,當頸椎出現病況會出現頭痛,篇頭通,心臟病,高血壓,糖尿病,采用多種名貴的精油配方,強力滲透進人體細胞,通過專業手法,緩解針對頸椎勞損突出,肩胛炎等情形。

Ever since its establishment , meihan green service has been operating its business centered on selling and planting seedlings of japanese anise illicium anisatum and sasaki cleyera japonica , and thinning and pruning of japanese cedar cryptomeria japonica and japanese cypress chamaecyparis obtusa 有效防止動物侵入農田所造成的災害從當初設立開始以芥草,楊桐的鮮花及苗木的種植,杉,扁柏的間伐,剪枝為主體進行試驗。

Remove to a casserole , add anise , wild pepper , salt , tomato ketchup , and soup stock , stew till the seasonings permeate , remove , wrap in the lotus leaf , steam till soft and tender , take out , sprinkle with pepper 下8成熱油鍋中炸熟撈出,鍋中留底油,放蔥姜煸出香味,加入鹽糖醬油,下膳絲,烹黃酒裝盤,撒蒜泥少許。

A strong , colorless alcoholic beverage made by distilling or redistilling rye or other grain spirits and adding juniper berries or aromatics such as anise , caraway seeds , or angelica root as flavoring 姜酒,金酒:一種無色烈性酒,由黑麥或其它谷類經蒸餾或再蒸餾之后加入杜松子或大茴香、葛縷子籽或當歸根等香料制成。

Assists the body in the maintenance of both the respiratory and digestive tracts providing a soothing effect . anise also facilitates digestion and elimination , and can improve pms and menopause symptoms 內服(做花茶)能幫助消化、改善胃部脹氣及反胃現象,亦可改善經前癥候群與更年期癥狀。

Bouquet : powerful aromas of sweet , ripe black currants ( cassis ) dominate , followed by lighter notes of fennel / anise , lightly caramelized spices ( clove , cardamom ) and vanilla 氣味:芳香甜美,主要是成熟黑加侖子香,還有輕微的茴芹、丁香、和香草香。

The most general color is red , yellow and white , decorative pattern has grain of bowstring grain , belt , big dot grain , curve grain and anise star grain 最普遍的顏色是紅色、黃色和白色,花紋有弦紋、帶紋、大圓點紋,弧線紋和八角星紋等。

Natural spices such as chinese prickly ash , star anise and cinnamon are good alternatives to condiments and sauces with high fat and salt content 利用天然香料,如花椒、八角和肉桂粉等,代替高脂和高鹽份的調味料和醬油。

Pan - fried chicken thigh stewed together with abalone mushroom , red wine , and star anise 無骨雞腿排先煎后烤,封住鮮美肉質。再與鮑魚菇、八角香料、紅酒燉煮。

( mum … warm honey with anise and milk … delicious ! i want to catch a cold too ! brrr 古斯:嗯… …熱蜂蜜水家茴香和牛奶,肯定好喝!我也要的感冒!哦呀,冷啊!

Drier and more potent than anisette , this semi - sweet anise liqueur is made in greece and cyprus 這種在希臘和塞浦路斯釀造的濃烈、半甜型茴香酒叫什么名字?

Transfer liquid into a deep container and add star anise seeds , cinnamon and bay leaf 將上述混合后的部分轉移到一個深的容器中,再加八角,桂皮和香葉。

This italian , anise - flavored liqueur is actually made from wild elderbush berries 這種意大利茴香甜酒實際上是使用漿果釀造的,它叫什么名字?

Star anise oil 八角茴香油

Oil of star anise 八角茴香油

Study on extraction of star anise oil by supercritical carbon dioxide and its chemical components 2萃取靈香草精油及其化學成分研究

This italian black sambuca is made from anise , elderflower and lemon 這種深色的意大利甜酒采用茴香、檸檬釀造的甜酒叫什么名字?

Oil of star anise for export 出口八角茴香油

A faint anise smell is on the air , goldenrod scent 一絲淡淡的茴香味彌漫在空氣中,那是黃花的芬芳。