
animus n.1.意圖,宗旨,主導思想。2.敵意,惡意。


Sticking to the basic animus of tort law , grounding fundamental situation of our country and absorbing foreign useful theoretic productions and legislative experience properly , we relate the essence , types , responsibilities and types of tortfeasors of joint torts together organically . and the combination of them form a new and scientific institution of joint torts corresponding to today ' s social life 在堅持侵權行為法根本宗旨的前提下,針對我國的基本國情,適當借鑒國外有益的理論成果和立法經驗,從共同侵權行為的本質、類型、責任及行為人的種類等方面來入手,將創門有機地統一起來,就構成了新的科學的符合當今社會生活的共同侵權行為制度。

The two were of the firm belief that only through promotion of european unification could each of the european countries ' respective economies undergo sustained development , the animus and clashes between germany and france be dispelled , and a lasting peace on the european continent be established 他們兩人堅信唯有促成歐洲的統一才能持續發展歐洲各國的經濟,化解德國與法國之間的仇恨與沖突,并且建立歐洲大陸的永久和平。

Several other women also chimed in , with an animus which none of them would have been so fatuous as to show but for the rollicking evening they had passed 還有幾個其他的女人也聲響應,她們罵得粗魯毒辣,要不是她們晚上事先都在尋歡作樂,她們也不會那樣愚蠢地亂罵一氣的。

Whatever we do is for humans health , and devote ourselves to the cause of humans health is our companys animus 公司的宗旨是: “一切為了人類健康” ,不斷研制開發健康產品,為人類的健康事業做出我們的貢獻。

This is a important guiding thought covered all this paper , and it is the animus and objective of this paper 這是全篇始終貫徹的一個重要指導思想,也是本文研究的宗旨和目的。

When you have an animus against a person , you should give it up 當你對別人懷有敵意時,你應當放棄這種想法。