
animosity n.怨恨,仇恨,敵視,憎惡。 animosities b...


Each time we perform an action or learn a new idea , a new channel is created in our brains for storing the new material . this is for storing animosity , that s for love , this is for jealousy , and that s for fame and profit . each spot is taken up by a different quality 每一次我們做什么行動,或是學什么新的思想,在我們的腦部里面,就好像弄出另外一個通道一樣,然后放我們新的材料在那個通道或是箱子里面這里放仇恨那里放愛心,這里放嫉妒心那里放名利心,每個地方都有不同的品質。

Seated upon a wooden stool , leaning his elbow on a table , while margotin , whose animosity seemed appeased by the unusual command of the traveller for refreshments , had crept up to him , and had established himself very comfortably between his knees , his long , skinny neck resting on his lap , while his dim eye was fixed earnestly on the traveller s face 去地下室一趟來回花了五分鐘,當他出來的時候,發現教士正坐在一張破長凳上,手肘撐著桌子,而馬克丁對教士的敵意似乎已沒有了。一反常態地坐在那里,伸著那有皮無毛的長脖子,用它那遲鈍的目光熱切地盯著這位奇怪的旅客的臉。

However , someone had wrongly accused and persecuted us in our past lives and we hated it . and when we encounter a similar situation again , we can t tolerate it and attempt to take revenge or counteractions . thus , we deepen the animosity in our heart and let the malicious atmosphere grow denser and stronger 不過因為前世有人曾冤枉我們壓迫我們,我們已經不喜歡了,所以現在碰到差不多的情況,我們就會受不了,想辦法報仇想辦法反應,我們又加深自己仇恨的心,使仇恨的氣氛更厚更堅固,然后形成我們仇恨的個性,那個就是我執。

Of a strong and fearless character , of shrewd sense and readiness , of great determination , of that kind of beauty which not only seems to impart to its possessor firmness and animosity , but to strike into others an instinctive recognition of those qualities ; the troubled time would have heaved her up , under any circumstances 她有堅強勇敢的性格,精明敏捷的頭腦,還有巨大的決心。她具有一種美,那美不但賦予了她穩定堅實苦大仇深的特色,而且使人不由得由衷地贊美這一特色。無論情況如何,那“混亂的時代”是必然會使她出人頭地的。

Therefore , the educational system in this prison also has the inmates face this kind of background . the inmates are advised not to vent their animosity on innocent people , who could be as miserable as they are , and come from the same kind of family background 所以那種監獄的教育系統,也會讓犯人面對這種背景,然后告訴他們不能將仇恨發泄在別的無辜的人身上,因為無辜的人有時候也跟他們一樣可憐,也許他的家庭背景也跟他們一樣。

Chelsea and barcelona have met two years running in the champions league and the animosity between the two giants has led to suggestions that chelsea will not want to do the spaniards any favours 切爾西和巴薩已經連續兩年在冠軍聯賽中相撞,而兩只足球巨頭之間的濃烈火藥味也引發了人們的各種猜疑,說切爾西不會給巴薩留任何生路。

The meeting occurred against a backdrop of a worsening conflict in iraq and deepening animosity between iran and the united states ? each accuses the other of contributing to iraq ' s instability 會談中指出了使伊拉克沖突更為嚴重且使伊朗和美國之間的積怨更深的黑幕,每一方均指責對方在伊拉克穩定問題上所起的破壞作用。

There was no animosity between us . i had never done anything bad to you , nor had i done you any harm . if you had been more patient and waited , i would have given the entire treasure here to you 我們之間又沒有什么仇恨,我從來沒有對你做過什么壞事,也不曾傷害過你,如果你有耐心一點,慢慢來,我里面的寶藏都會給你。

Because at the critical turningpoint of human existence he desired to amend many social conditions , the product of inequality and avarice and international animosity 因為在人類生活關鍵性的轉折時刻,他渴望改善種種社會情況,而那是不平等貪欲和國與國之間抗爭的產物。

However , it is far better to let them know and to offer them an alternative if appropriate , than to risk the animosity that is so often created in such circumstances 然而,更好的做法是通知客戶,適當的話,提供替代品,而不要冒很可能導致客戶不滿的風險。

If camp nou was lulled it was more by the effortless superiority of barcelona than a waning of their animosity towards the opposition front bench 如果諾坎普被他所麻痹,因為巴薩輕而易舉的輕敵要比逐漸減弱的對對方教練席的仇恨來的更多。

Mr . cruncher s temper was not at all improved when he came to his breakfast . he resented mrs . cruncher s saying grace with particular animosity 克朗徹先生到吃早飯時脾氣仍然毫無好轉,他對克朗徹太太做祈禱懷著一種特別的厭惡。

And we need to resolve the status of the illegal immigrants who are already in our country - without animosity and without amnesty 我們還需要解決已經在我國境內的非法移民的身份問題? ?在沒有敵視和特赦的情況下解決。

Only through shakespeare do hopes persist , as they wait for the time in which generations of animosity become buried and forgotten 當觀眾翹首期待一部情人佳節片,霍建起( 《那山那人那狗》 )卻把大家殺個措手不及。

They are always at odds with every other clan , over and above the inevitable animosity and constant feuding of the ork race 它們和其它氏族齷齪之多,即使在綠皮這個世仇內訌無止無休的種族之中,也得算是首屈一指。

And this is precisely the weirdest aspect of his personality : that unshakable faith in his work coupled with a complete lack of animosity 而這恰恰就是他個性中最怪異的地方:其工作信念堅定,并且完全沒有厭惡感。

And this is precisely the weirdest aspect of his personality : that unshakable faith in his work coupled with a complete lack of animosity 而這恰恰是他個性當中最不可思議的一面:克盡職守,無怨無悔。

However , if you only injure a person due to personal animosity , you incur heavy karma . it s because of your intent to kill 如果你為了私人的仇恨,即使殺傷人而已,還是業障很重,因為你是惡心要殺人。

Dwarves as a rule trust elves even less than they trust man , though few remember the reasons for this animosity 矮子通常甚至信賴小妖精比他們這些信托的男人更少,雖然很少的記得這仇恨的理由。