
animist n.泛靈論者;精靈崇拜者。


After 1956 , when the country gained independence , the south , which is christian and animist , was in an almost permanent state of rebellion against the muslim arab north , demanding a bigger share of the national wealth and a greater degree of self - rule 自1956年蘇丹獨立之后,南部就是基督教信眾與動物保護主義者的天下,他們要求占有更大份額的國家財富以及更大的自治度。

Language : frenchis the official language , arabic dialects predominate among the northernmuslims . the animist groups in the south speak a variety of languages , the mostcommon of which issara 語言:法語為官方語言,北方居民通用乍得化的阿拉伯語,南方居民通用蘇丹語系的薩拉語等語言。

Religon : about 50 % of the population is roman cathotic , 20 % protestant , 10 % islamic and 10 % javing animist belief 宗教:大約50的居民信奉天主教, 20信奉基督教新教, 10信奉伊斯蘭教和10信奉原始宗教。