
animator n.= animater.

In “ wanee junah , “ actress kim hee - sun plays an animator and actor choo jin - mo a scenario writer Wanee在一間動畫制作公司任職已超過六年, junah是一個編劇,他們的生活顯得甚為平靜。


Departing from the action - oriented plots of his previous films nausica ? of the valley of the wind and laputa , castle in the sky , japan s most beloved animator , hayao miyazaki , provides a slower - paced , stunningly realistic portrayal of life in the countryside 兩個小姊妹從此與貓玩成一片貓帶她們飛越夜空,種植幾分鐘便長成的巨型大樹,爬在樹干上乘涼,而每當遇上困難,貓便是她們的救星

Thirteen young hong kong animation artists worked together in nine groups for one year to create nine short animation revealing aspects of daily life in hong kong . several of the animators have won hong kong independent short films and video awards 是次創作網羅來自九個藝術單位的十三位年青動畫人,由計劃到制作歷時一年,創作出九段不同風格、概念的動畫作品,反映香港生活的種種點滴。

But building a design system that allowed the animators to move all those pieces quickly ? and to fit them into the finished robot , designed almost a year earlier , without banging parts into each other ? was the real headache 但是,早在一年多前,一套特別的系統就已經被開發出來,好讓動畫師能夠迅速的移動所有零件、放到機器人形態的各個部位、又不會把彼此之間的位置給撞亂。

The programme aims to prepare students to work as digital animators , media producers , designers , multimedia programmers , computer graphic designers , advertising designers , video and film producers , as well as creative industry managers 修畢課程后,學員就業前景光明,可從事包括媒體監制、動畫師、設計師和多媒體程式員等等不同的職業。

The intermediate stage of design involves a lot of discussions with artists , animators , musicians , and engineers - trying things out , and finding ways to organize and set down your ideas 下中間的階段就是去吵架(快客說:對,我們現在就在吵架。 ) ,和美工、和動畫、和音樂、和程序,去吵。把東西整出來,找到一個途徑組織和落實你的想法。

Animation making is a never - ending process with trial and error , and certain kind of mix & match of different medium . these 7 animators continuously make their animations with their passions and hearts 動畫,從來都是一種不斷的嘗試,一些媒體的結合.這7位動畫家,只要愛動畫的心不死,生命之火不息,創作還是會沒完沒了

In japan , studio ghibli used digital technology to enhance , for the first time , the rich hand - painted watercolor appearance of revered animator hayao miyazakis artwork in the animated production princess mononoke 在日本,吉卜力工作室將首度用數字技術去加強動畫大師宮崎駿作品《幽靈公主》里的手繪水彩畫。

The shepherdess and the chimney sweep , this french classic animation inspires many famous japanese animators . even the studio ghibli of miyazaki hayao will release this film in japan this summer 根據安徒生童話《牧羊女與煙囪清潔工》改編,就連宮崎駿的吉卜力工作室也計劃今年在日本公映此經典動畫。

The animation movies produced by hayao miyazaki , the japanese director and animator , are a major oriental force to contend in the animation circle with those of walt disney television animation or dreamworks animation 日本導演宮崎駿的動畫片是能夠和迪斯尼,夢工廠共分天下的一支重要東方力量。

The truth is that this movie would have been a good one no matter what the state of its animators art , because it has an amusing ( and morally useful ) tale to tell 說實在的,不管動畫片的繪制者的技術水平如何,這都是一部好片子,因為影片講述的是一個有趣的(而且在道德上是有益的)故事。

From nenowned animator peter chung comes the chronicles of riddick : dark fury , an all - new , exhilarating adventure in the chronicles of riddick saga ! w . . “黑煞天魔”厲敵被星際獵人所脅持,危在旦夕憑著夜視的能力及戰無不勝的身手,與一眾以金錢掛帥的獵人展開生死決斗!

You may think some animations are a bit simple . actually , the animators took a lot of time to make them . it ' s time to revisit these everlasting animations 有些動畫看似簡單,背后卻可能花了一段頗長的時間制作,就讓我們一次過重溫多部長青的定格及其他動畫作品

With imagination , we can create animations with different themes and styles . let ' s see how the imaginative and skillful works of these 4 animators can be 只要有幻想,才會有題材與風格千變萬化的動畫. 4位動畫家透過他們的作品,告訴我們甚0是畫功技法與想像力

A testing specialist for more than a decade , she previously worked as a software developer , a technical animator for television , and a developer of puzzles 她是一個擁有十多年經驗的測試專家,先前曾做過軟件開發人員、電視技術動畫師和難題開發人員。

Facial studio : an integrated suite of modeling and animation tools that help animators create superior character heads and faces in a snap 整合建模和動畫功能的頭部制作軟件,幫助動畫師以“閃電”般的速度制作出角色頭部及面部表情。最新版本為1 . 5

Reporting to the lead animator and vfx td , animators are responsible for modeling , rigging , lighting , texturing and rendering of various types of cg elements 向主管動畫師和vfx技術指導匯報,主要從事建模,蒙皮,燈光,材質及渲染各種cg元素。

Skilled animators at the disney corporation , with whom ghibli recently set up a partnership , have acknowledged their debt to hayao miyazaki 最近迪斯尼公司與吉卜力工作室建立了合作關系,該公司技術高超的漫畫家對宮崎駿的貢獻也感嘆不已。

Modeling and character animation program wrapped into one tool providing a complete solution for game developers and high - end character animators 建模和人物動畫節目包裝成一個工具,提供一個完整的解決方案,為游戲開發商和高端字符動畫