
animate vt.1.使活起來,賦與…以生命。2.給與…以生氣;使有...

Wolf larsen said to me, “look at this bit of animated dust. “ 海狼賴生對我說,“看看這一點兒有生命的灰塵。”


The little girl has an animate doll 這個小姑娘有一個栩栩如生的玩具娃娃。

Animate your powerpoint 2002 web presentation 使您的powerpoint 2002 web演示文稿動起來

How do you animate characters in the computer 你怎樣在電腦上給角色做動畫?

Animated icons further enhance overall ease of use ,助你發展事業的鎖匙。

She became quite animated , and chattered away to him 她興致勃勃地和喬治攀談起來。

Animated by fresh hope , he started again 他在新希望的激勵之下,又從頭做起。

This time you are animating a text element 這次您正在使一個文本元素產生動畫效果。

Movies include video and animated . gif files 影片包括視頻和動畫。 gif文件。

What animated cartoon do you like looking at ? why 你喜歡看什么動畫片?為什么?

The basic movement law of beast in animated cartoon 動畫片中獸類動物基本運動規律

Animates an image that has time - based frames 動畫處理包含基于時間的幀的圖像。

A statesman should be animated by lofty sentiments 政治家應當煥發出崇高的情操。

Timeline of animated films and related events -日本漫畫資料介紹,并提供圖片下載

The art or process of preparing animated cartoons 攝制動畫片的制作藝術或過程。

But an animated discussion in regard to the manner and feasibility of providing for its wants at once sprung up . 不過,關于如何滿足他的各種需求的方式方法以及是否切實可行的問題立即引起了一場活躍的討論。

It may be an introduction to the political philosophy of the founding fathers which still animates modern legislation . 這可以對美國開國元勛的政治哲學思想有所介紹,這種思想仍然影響著美國的現代立法。

He paused and gazed upon that animated scene with folded arms, and a bitter smile upon his dark features . 他停了下來,抱著雙臂,凝望著活躍的場面。在他陰暗的臉上浮起一絲妒忌的微笑。

And now nothing remains for me but to assure you in the most animated language of the violence of my affection . 現在我的話已經說完,除非是再用最激動的語言把我最熱烈的感情向你傾訴。