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animal kingdom 動物界。

“ we may have opinions on a lot of things , but one thing is clear - homo is found throughout the animal kingdom , it is not against nature , “ an exhibit statement said 該博物館在一份展覽聲明中提到: “我們對很多事情可能會有不同看法,但有一點是肯定的-同性戀現象在動物世界里普遍存在,并不違背自然規律。 ”

“ those animal kingdoms , some of them , utilized tools “這些動物王國,其中一些,會使用工具。

animal life

Mr mulligan however made court to the scholarly by an apt quotation from the classics which as it dwelt upon his memory seemed to him a sound and tasteful support of his contention : talis ac tanta depravatio hujus seculi , o quirites , ut matres familiarum nostro lascivas cujuslibet semiviri libici titillationes testibus ponderosis atque excelsis erectionibus centurionum romanorum magnopere anteponunt : while for those of ruder wit he drove home his point by analogies of the animal kingdom more suitable to their stomach , the buck and doe of the forest glade , the farmyard drake and duck 穆利根先生則對該學者報以腦中所記一段恰如其分之古典引文,根據既充分,又能雍容大方地支持其論點:噫,諸市民,當代道義之頹廢,江河日下。吾輩家中婦女,偏愛被溫柔男予以手指作淫蕩之搔癢,而棄羅馬百人隊長之沉重辜丸及異常勃起于不顧。 158彼并為不夠機智者舉出更合乎彼等胃口之動物界實例諸如樹林間空地上之公鹿母鹿,農家場院中之公鴨母鴨等,以此類推,闡述要點。

Often i have visited the new york museum of natural history to touch with my hands many of the objects there exhibited , but i have longed to see with my eyes the condensed history of the earth and its inhabitants displayed there - animals and the races of men pictured in their native environment ; gigantic carcasses of dinosaurs and mastodons which roamed the earth long before man appeared , with his tiny stature and powerful brain , to conquer the animal kingdom ; realistic presentations of the processes of development in animals , in man , and in the implements which man has used to fashion for himself a secure home on this planet ; and a thousand and one other aspects of natural history 但我渴望親眼看到地球和那里陳列的地球上居民的濃縮歷史在他們自然環境里展示出的動物和人類種族;曾在人類出現之前,很早就在地球上漫游的巨大恐龍和柱牙象骨架,人類以他小巧的身材和強有力的大腦征服了動物王國;動物,人類和人類工具的發展過程的逼真展現,人類曾用這些工具在這個星球上來建造他們安全的家園,還有其它許許多多的自然歷史方面。

Often i have visited the new york museum of natural history to touch with my hands many of the objects there exhibited , but i have longed to see with my eyes the condensed history of the earth and its inhabitants displayed there ? animals and the race of men pictured in their native environment , gigantic carcasses of dinosaurs and mastodons which roamed the earth long before man appeared , with his tiny stature and powerful brain , to conquer the animal kingdom , realistic presentations of the processes of evolution in animals , in man , and in the implements which man has used to fashion for himself a secure home on this planet , and a thousand and one other aspects of natural history 我經常到紐約自然歷史博物館去,用雙手無數次地撫摸過那里陳列的展品,我多么渴望能用自己的眼睛看一看這濃縮的地球的歷史,以及陳列在那里的地球上的居民? ?各種動物和以他們生活的天然環境為背景描繪的不同膚色的人種;以及早在人類出現以前就漫游在地球上的恐龍和柱牙象的巨大骨架,當時的人類靠自己矮小的身軀和發達的大腦征服了動物的王國;還有表現動物和人類進化過程的逼真畫面,和人類用來為自己在這個星球上建造安全居處的工具,以及另外許許多多自然歷史的其他方面的事物。

Mankind has not only material needs but also spiritual and cultural needs , which is only belonged to man . the spiritual and cultural needs , as mankind ' s higher needs which is one of the differences from the animal kingdom , is the emblem of mankind being the master of nature world 人不僅有物質需要,還有精神文化需要,并且作為人所特有的,得以從動物界脫穎而出的高層次需要的精神文化需要,更是人類之所以成為萬物靈長的表征。

Professional and affiliate membership for the healing and advancement of humanity with natural medium in heaven and earth including elements and elementals ; mineral , plant and animal kingdoms as well as stars , earth , arts , ritual and healing culture developed through the human mind and soma 匯聚專業及相關專業成員,致力于開發天地界的健康媒質(日、月、星、辰、五行元素、大地生、植、礦物與人體文化) ,應用于人心身的康泰與優化。

Zoo official said this project has several aims - it will educate people about humans ' place in the animal kingdom , raise awareness of the need for conservation and generate funds for the nation ' s largest chimpanzee enclosure planned for monarto zoo next year 動物園管理人員表示,舉辦此次活動有三個目的,一是借此表明人類其實也是動物,二是喚醒人們愛護動物的意識,三是為明年在摩納托動物園建造全澳洲最大的猩猩動物園籌集資金。

Also , after reading this story , many people will undoubtedly come to rethink their views on killing stray and unclaimed animals , and show more compassion for their fellow beings in the animal kingdom , who have the same sensibilities and feelings that we do 相信在讀完這則故事后,許多人會重新思考他們處置流浪動物的方式是否得當,并懂得更加愛護他們的動物伴,因為他們和人類一樣都有感覺和感情。

It occurs to me that fish too live in communities even though they are among the smaller species in the animal kingdom . they breed , they mingle , they express special affection , they move in fleets , they have moods , and they even sleep 我發現魚在動物界中雖然勢力并不龐大,但他們也有自己的族群,他們會繁殖結群,并且有特殊的情感,他們集體行動擁有情緒,而且也需要睡眠。

The new are those from the mineral kingdom , from the flora kingdom , from the animal kingdom . they evolve and become men . these are a little bit dull in spirit , a little bit slow in reactions , or maybe even fierce 舊的是那些出生為人,且不曾做很多錯事的靈魂,他們會一直回來做人新的是指那些剛從礦物植物或動物界轉化成人,這些靈魂比較遲鈍反應比較慢,或者可能較兇猛。

Sperm bimorphism is a common phenomenon through the animal kingdom , especially in gastropod , such as most of mesogastropod and neogastropod and some of archeogastropod 精子雙態現象是動物界尤其是腹足類的一個普遍現象:原始腹足類( archegastropod )中僅少數具有雙態精子,中腹足類( mesogastropod )和新腹足類( neogastropod )中大多數都具有雙態精子。

“ we may have opinions on a lot of things , but one thing is clear - homo is found throughout the animal kingdom , it is not against nature , “ an exhibit statement said 該博物館在一份展覽聲明中提到: “我們對很多事情可能會有不同看法,但有一點是肯定的-同性戀現象在動物世界里普遍存在,并不違背自然規律。 ”

2004 houston - a downtown restaurant that already features sharks and other exotic aquatic life wants to add another attraction from the animal kingdom : white tigers 休斯頓一家已經在店堂中陳列了鯊魚和其他奇異水族生物的飯店,近日決定引入另一位成員,動物家族的國王白虎,來增加飯店的吸引力。

Set off by the touch of a prey insect against sensitive trigger hairs , the mandibles of the trap - jaw ant odontomachus has tat us snap shut in the fastest reflex ever recorded in the animal kingdom 這只大齒猛蟻被獵物觸動時,能以動物王國有記載以來的最快速度猛撲過去,用它的大顎發起攻擊。

Depart 8am in the morning to disney world theme park ; the disney animal kingdom brings you the amazing experience of being together with the wild animals , imagine being in the middle of african jungle 早上八時出發,前往最新落成的野生動物王國,這里動物包羅萬有,如處身非洲大森林之感。

Even the animals kingdoms must cease to consume not only one another , but the plants and grass as well , as consumption of any kind is a state of dishonor 即使是動物王國,都必須不僅停止消耗彼此,而且還停止消耗植物和青草,因為消耗任何物種都是一種不尊重的狀態。

In the long history of evolutionary process , insecta becomes the biggest species group in animal kingdom , which makes up about 80 percent of the total living species 在動物漫長的進化歷程中,昆蟲綱作為動物界種數最多的一類,約占動物現存種的五分之四。

Watching the starry - eyed birds paddle together in the surf , there can be no doubt that this is one of the most beautiful love matches in the animal kingdom 看著這些擁有迷人雙眸的鳥兒在浪花里嬉戲,沒有人會懷疑,這是動物王國里最動人的愛情結合。