
animal n.1.動物;獸;牲畜。2.〔俚語〕家畜,牲口。3.〔俚...

animal appetites

A human can think and talk, but an animal cannot . 人能思考、說話,但動物卻不能。

Man, when perfected, is the best of animals . 人在達到完美境界時是最優秀的動物。

Animal life culminates in man . 動物發達到頂點而成為人。

He became for a time like a wounded wild animal . 有一個時期他象一頭受傷的野獸。

Many kinds of animals have vanished from the earth .. 許多動物已從地球上消失了。

Many animals breed in the spring . 許多動物都在春天繁殖。

The birds cried, small animals scattered . 鳥兒在驚叫,小動物在急促地四散奔逃。

Injecting animals is all in a day work for a vet . 給動物注射是獸醫的日常工作。

A thicket makes good cover for animals to hide in . 叢林是動物的良好隱蔽處。

The means of dispersal are wind, water and animals . 傳播的媒介有風、水和動物。

Man is an omnivorous animal . 人是肉類與蔬菜均食用的動物。

If you remember , mary was always fond of animals . 記得嗎,瑪麗一向喜歡動物。

The pedestrians and animals are likely to encounter . 步行者和動物可能會碰著。

She always shows kindness to children and animals . 她對孩子和動物總是很溫柔。

A diurnal animal hunts its food during daylight . 白天活動的動物在白晝時獵食。

The hair of animals shows the same correlation . 動物毛發也有同樣的相互關系。

Domestic animals run out of their stalls . 家畜從圈中奔出。

The wild animals took flight before the onrushing fire . 大火卷來,野獸逃竄。

Large openings are formed by burrowing animals . 穴居動物還造成了更大的洞隙。