
animadvert vi.譴責,責備,苛責 (on, upon)。 anim...

Then the thesis expatiates the basic structure and running flow of the mode and its characters on four aspects : instructional organization way - mutual and open , the existence way of instructional contents - makable and expansibility , students “ leaning way - independent and cooperative and instructional evaluation - dialog and harmony , animadvert and sustainment 接著具體闡述了該模式的基本結構及運作流程,并具體分析了該模式四個方面的特點,即教學組織方式? ?交互式和開放式、教學內容存在方式? ?生成性和發展性、學生學習方式? ?自主性和合作性和教學評價? ?對話與協調、批判與支持。

The second is misapprehension on science that looks on science in non - scientific attitude and become anti - science emotion . the third is “ animadvert “ on science that too unilateral and utmost 其二,由于對科學的誤解,用非科學的態度看待科迫回八項士學位論文wmasiyil ’ sllesis一學,最后轉變成為反科學的情緒。


We can ’ t animadvert on him in a nutshell . but we should investigate him in the environment of the developmental process of the japanese society . in the situation of the conservative trend of the whole japanese society , it will have the practical significance to understand him objectively and overall 對于石原我們不能簡單地加以批判,而是應當將其放入日本社會發展歷程的大環境中去考察,在當今日本社會呈整體保守化趨勢的態勢下,客觀全面地認識這一人物將具有極大的現實意義。

The article discoursed upon the necessity , importance and feasibility of tourism resource capitalization based on the concept of sustainable development , animadverting on the idea that resources are unquantifiable . after analyzing the differentiations and relation between the market value and the capitalization of tourism resources , it gave out the definitions of tourism resources capitalization in both broad and narrow sense , and constructed the tourism resources set of value and method systems of tourism resources capitalization 本文以可持續發展的觀點為指導,在批判“資源無價論”的基礎上,緊緊圍繞旅游資源資產化的必要性、重要性和可行性展開論述。在分析了旅游資源市場價值和旅游資源資產化的區別與聯系之后,提出了旅游資源資產化的廣義與俠義的定義,并構建了旅游資源的價值體系和旅游資源資產化的方法系統。

Then the thesis expatiates the basic structure and running flow of the mode and its characters on four aspects : instructional organization way - mutual and open , the existence way of instructional contents - makable and expansibility , students “ leaning way - independent and cooperative and instructional evaluation - dialog and harmony , animadvert and sustainment 接著具體闡述了該模式的基本結構及運作流程,并具體分析了該模式四個方面的特點,即教學組織方式? ?交互式和開放式、教學內容存在方式? ?生成性和發展性、學生學習方式? ?自主性和合作性和教學評價? ?對話與協調、批判與支持。

Because of the powerful drive of the technological culture , logistic power forming the absolute power of language , chinese education gets into imitating and pursing science language , namely , chinese education is deeply governed by rationalistism . that is the essential sticking point of chinese education in theory and practice , this article distructures and animadverts it 本文是圍繞對長期以來制約語文教育理論與實踐的一個根本癥結? ?由于科技文化的強勢推動,邏輯的權利構成了語言的絕對權利,因此語文教學就陷入了對科學語言范式的追求和模仿之中,也即深受理性主義的絕對支配的解構與批判而展開論述的。

Bentham considers that the capacity of suffering as the key character of whether the creature should be taken into equal account as to the conclusion that mankind have direct duties to animals on the ground of utilitarianism ; peter singer ’ s animal liberation theory considers that animals should be taken into equal account of moral calculation because they can suffer according to the equal principle and utilitarian principle of utilitarianism ; tom regan ’ s animal rights theory substitutes subject - of - life for person of kant , animals are also the subject of life and have inherent value , so they have the equal rights of attaining respect ; mary warren ’ s weak animal rights theory amends the strong animal rights theory of tom regan ; gary l . francione ’ s animal rights theory animadverts on the utilitarian animal rights theory of bentham and peter singer 動物權利論者們從各自的角度論述動物權利的成立,許多國家制定了保護動物權利的動物福利法,西方各國的動物福利法趨向完善,東亞部分國家和地區也相繼制定了動物福利法,但我國法律在這方面尚為空白。本文主要梳理和總結了動物權利理論的發展演進過程以及動物權利的概念、當代世界動物權利法律保護實踐情況以及我國動物權利法律保護體系的現狀及未來三個問題,對我國動物權利法律保護現狀進行分析,得出應在適應我國國情的基礎上建構動物權利法律保護體系并提出了自己的建議。

Educational is a kind of education phenomena and society phenomena in order to buildup rationality of education practice ad promotes the development of education through apperceiving , unscrambling oppugning and animadverting the education pathology by educator and other peoples 教育批評是社會各界人士通過對教育病理問題的感知、解讀、質疑和批判,表達對教育現實的認識與評價,以提升或增強教育實踐合理性、推進教育發展為目的的一種教育現象和社會現象。

Afterwards the classic philosophy looked upon human development as the single development of rationality so that rationalism overflowed . after that modern philosophy went to the other extreme while animadverting classic philosophy , which unilaterally stressed the rationality 馬克思主義哲學,承認理性在認識過程中的主導地位,但并不因此逼近理性主義;充分肯定非理性因素在認識過程中的重要作用,并不因此而走向非理性主義。

However , the contrast between theory and reality compels or attracts scholars to interpret , argue , self - reflect , animadvert and amend it , then the convergence of economic growth gets deepened during the course 然而,理論預期和現實世界所構成的反差,迫使或吸引學者對此進行解釋、討論、反思、批判和修正,經濟增長趨同問題在這個過程中得到深化。

During the new culture movement , chen advocated held the flag of science highly and animadverted chinese tradition , he criticized the boxer movement as a rebellion of mosstrooper and regarded it as the result of superstitions and religion 摘要新文化運動時期,陳獨秀提倡科學,批判傳統,認為義和團是拳匪作亂,是迷信、宗教的產物。

On one hand , the paper animadverts on the prevailing civil legislation ; on the other hand , this chapter brings forward the demonstration countermeasure to construct the system of unjust enrichment 最后,本文從我國實際出發,對我國現有立法不足進行批判分析,并在此基礎上對不當得利制度的完善提出了一些立法建議和構想。

The second is misapprehension on science that looks on science in non - scientific attitude and become anti - science emotion . the third is “ animadvert “ on science that too unilateral and utmost 其二,由于對科學的誤解,用非科學的態度看待科迫回八項士學位論文wmasiyil ’ sllesis一學,最后轉變成為反科學的情緒。

Firstly , the paper see about the traditional and modern standpoint , the corresponding brand management theory and model of brand conception , and puts up simple comment and animadvert 首先,考察品牌概念的各種傳統觀念與現代觀念,以及與此相對應的各種品牌管理理論和模式,并進行簡單的評述和批判。

The new philosophical proposition implied concern on the people ' s livelihood and animadverting on the political system of autarchy 這新的哲學命題中實際上蘊涵著對民生的關注和對專制政體的批判。

The writer animadverts on anti - science brightly in the whole article and advocates developing science and technology energetically 整篇文章筆者旗幟鮮明地批判反科學,提倡大力發展科學技術。

Using dialectical determinism to scan social developmental law - and animadverting on undeterminism 馬克思主義歷史決定論是唯物的辯證的決定論

On the inheritting and animadverting of zhu - xi to the poem of landscape of the idealist of confucian school 朱熹對理學家山水詩的批判和繼承

On animadverting thought and legal professional education 論批判性思維與法律職業教育