
anima n.〔拉丁語〕人生之本;靈魂。

Anima christi , or the above “ prayer to christ crucified “ , makes an act of spiritual communion or thanksgiving after communion . grant no . 27 first mass after priestly ordination and jubilee masses -信友按照任何認可經文例如,基督的靈魂,圣化我心靈,或上述向耶穌苦像頌神領圣體,或在領圣體后感謝圣體。

In “ take people as anima “ , even more shows loving concern person ' s life and the quality of life the 21st century , the time will be able sincerely to entrust with the “ the humanities connotation “ of sports 摘要在“以人為本” ,更加關愛人的生命和生活質量的21世紀,時代將會賦予體育更厚重的“人文內涵” 。


Following the managing idea of based on human , emphasized that concept , basement , precondition , system , environment and oriented function are essential factors . the symbiotic benefit relationship which lies between enterprise and employee must be consolidated ; the conjunct anima and coincident value tropism must be formed . employee is diligent to dedicate to enterprise , more development and advancement of enterprise will be achieved , society wealth and economy benefit will be created , and at last manpower source become the headspring of enterprise benefit 進而提出了國有企業構建“心理契約”的實現途徑,按照以人為本的管理思想,強調在理念、基礎、前提、機制、環境及導向功能等六個方面來探討“心理契約”的實現途徑,使得企業與員工這種共生的利益關系得到強化,形成統一的生命共同體和一致的價值取向,員工為企業勤于奉獻,使企業得到更大的進步和發展,共同創造社會財富和經濟效益,使得人力資源成為企業效益的創造中心。

The manpower department of sdhs is conducting international manpower cooperation and has sent a large number of technical staff in the filed of machinery , electronics , computer , equipment and meters and various kinds of workers and trainees in aquatic products procession , garment procession , vegetable planting , offshore fishing anima husbandry , finance and accounting , food service , etc . to such countries and regions as singapore , japan , korea , the uae , tonga , hong kong , macao and germany 公司勞務部常年開展外派勞務合作業務,先后向新加坡、日本、韓國、阿聯酋、湯加、中東等國家和地區派出了大批機械、電子、計算機、儀器儀表等工程技術人員和水產加工、服裝加工、蔬菜種植、畜牧養殖、財務會計、餐飲服務等各類勞務人員和研修生。

The origin of the ancient farm poem is based on labour of agriculture or anima husbandry , religions , sings and dances of the pre - historical . an inauspicious start to the research of ancient farm poetry before qin dynasty is that there is too little material to read 農事詩起源于原始宗教,人們把音韻最美的媚詞獻給神靈,以求風調雨順、五谷豐登,同時人們把最威嚴、鏗鏘的咒語念給鬼怪,使其趕快離開,農事詩由此誕生。

The darkness which clings to every personality is the door into the unconscious and the gateway of dreams , from which those two twilight figures , the shadow and the anima , step into our nightly visions or , remaining invisible , take possession of our ego - consciousness 附著在每個人格上的黑暗一面,是通向潛意識之門、是夢之門,微弱的陰影和阿尼瑪從它們進入我們的夜夢視野,或依然不可見、控制著我們的自我-潛意識。

Based on it , although both of chinese and western animation - art narrative even construct depending on subjectivity of action , their ultimate “ anima ” of life still have dissimilarities , just because their different philosophical origin and aesthetic thought 基于此,中西動畫雖皆通過對動作主訴來進行敘事甚至結構,但是由于哲學基礎和審美思維的不同,二者最終企及的生命之“動”也各有千秋。

In this vast area , many houses rooms , the younger sister lucy accident found a strange wardrobe , and it is the magic kingdom once imported , lucy entered the anima enter the name of the game 在這占地遼闊房間眾多的宅邸之中,小妹露西意外發現了一個奇特的衣櫥,而它正是魔法王國納尼亞的入口,露西進入這個動物也能說話的奇幻世界,并且與和藹可親的半羊人杜瑪思先生成為了好朋友

At present , the animation school of bfa provides its students with world ' s leading education facilities s0 that the students ' studies and practices in the anima - tion school can be ensured in terms of the hardware 目前北京電影學院動畫學院為學生提供了具有世界先進水平的配套教盲設施,從而有硬件上真正的保證了動畫學院學生的學習和實踐。

The “ anima ” of animation - art , firstly is embodied as continuity of drawings , but it is thoroughly different from the image - motility of movie and tv , which roots in the anti - photography from the drawings of animation - art 動畫之“動” ,首先在于畫面連動,但這與影視畫面的運動性本質不同,根源在于動畫畫面的反攝影性。

It is guided by ecology , stresses on “ recycle make economy ” , through economy ecologization . as we all know , there are three animas in ecology , producer consumer and analyzer . they make up of food chain 本文闡述了技術和制度在循環經濟發展中的重要作用,構建了支撐和推動我國循環經濟發展的技術體系和制度體系。

Anima christi , or the above “ prayer to christ crucified “ , makes an act of spiritual communion or thanksgiving after communion . grant no . 27 first mass after priestly ordination and jubilee masses -信友按照任何認可經文例如,基督的靈魂,圣化我心靈,或上述向耶穌苦像頌神領圣體,或在領圣體后感謝圣體。

In “ take people as anima “ , even more shows loving concern person ' s life and the quality of life the 21st century , the time will be able sincerely to entrust with the “ the humanities connotation “ of sports 摘要在“以人為本” ,更加關愛人的生命和生活質量的21世紀,時代將會賦予體育更厚重的“人文內涵” 。

The solitude can not seperate from music the real lone one is looking for music all the time waiting for music in life and waiting anima in music 孤獨是離不開音樂的,真正的孤獨者每時每刻都在尋找音樂,在生命中等待音樂,在音樂中等待生命。

Q : do you believe in the anima and the animus - the male spirit and the female spirit - within each of us , and having a harmony and balance therein 問:你相信每個人內邊都有陰陽,并且能夠陰陽調和平衡嗎?

Wulong spring flows out via daming lake to the north . can this spring of anima continue its excellence there 五潭泉水汩汩流出,途經大明湖,繼續往北流動,其泉水蘊涵之靈氣絲毫不減。

Members of confindustria include anima , federation of the italian associations of mechanical and engineering industries “工業聯盟”的成員組織包括了意大利機械與工程行業聯盟。

The meaning of anima of taishan mountain and the complex of taishan mountain of poetry in han tang 泰山文化的生命內涵與漢唐詩歌的泰山情結

- yeah , the anima sola . that ` s what i saw . - lt ` s a common archetypal image -是的,就是受束縛靈魂,那個就我所看到的-那是很普遍的原形圖案