
anility n.1.衰老,老年昏聵。2.〔常 pl.〕糊涂言行。

It “ s an age for the people who have high creative and practical anility . as breakthrough of the quality education , the mathematical curriculum reform of foundational education must face up to the age “ s demands 時代呼喚著具有創新精神和實踐能力的人,基礎教育課程改革作為推進素質教育的一個突破口,必須“順應”時代的要求。


It “ s an age for the people who have high creative and practical anility . as breakthrough of the quality education , the mathematical curriculum reform of foundational education must face up to the age “ s demands 時代呼喚著具有創新精神和實踐能力的人,基礎教育課程改革作為推進素質教育的一個突破口,必須“順應”時代的要求。