
anile adj.1.衰老的;老太婆似的。2.糊涂的。

Be in charge of in classics of doctor of traditional chinese medicine “ inside classics “ go up to also have discuss : “ ( person ) year 40 shade are enraged from half , daily life declines “ ; the middleaged person that enters 40 years old or so as postmeridian sun , energy by abundant trend abate , this is natural consenescence of the person , the nature that also is a kidney is anile , everybody wants to face and be experienced 在中醫經典《內經》上也有論述: “ (人)年四十則陰氣自半,起居衰矣” ;步入四十歲左右的中年人就如同午后的太陽,精力由充沛走向減弱,這是人的自然衰老,也是腎臟的自然衰老,每個人都要面對和經歷。


But we also see , some people prematurely senile , and some people passed middleaged energetic still , because they are different to kidney maintains acquiredly , this is , good life , food is used to , timely and measurable use fills the medicaments of kidney , it is to prevent kidney empty , defer anile tweak 但是我們也看到,有的人未老先衰,而有的人過了中年還精力充沛,這是因為他們對于腎后天的保養不同,良好的生活、飲食習慣,適時適度的使用補腎的藥物,都是防止腎虛,延緩衰老的好辦法。

Be in charge of in classics of doctor of traditional chinese medicine “ inside classics “ go up to also have discuss : “ ( person ) year 40 shade are enraged from half , daily life declines “ ; the middleaged person that enters 40 years old or so as postmeridian sun , energy by abundant trend abate , this is natural consenescence of the person , the nature that also is a kidney is anile , everybody wants to face and be experienced 在中醫經典《內經》上也有論述: “ (人)年四十則陰氣自半,起居衰矣” ;步入四十歲左右的中年人就如同午后的太陽,精力由充沛走向減弱,這是人的自然衰老,也是腎臟的自然衰老,每個人都要面對和經歷。

Arrived in senile phase , the essence of kidney enrages decline , body also gradually anile , countenance consenescence , motion of systemic bones and muscles is ineffective , tine shakes send 到了中老年階段,腎的精氣衰退,形體也逐漸衰老,面容衰老,全身筋骨運動不靈,齒搖發脫。

Harm : long - term and hollow take candy , can make the person becomes anile , as a result shortens life 危害:長期空腹吃糖,可使人變得衰老,以致縮短壽命。