
anhydrite n.【礦物】硬石膏,無水石膏。


The effects of gypsum on fluidity of cement mortar and setting time of cement paste are not significant when it used as retarder of cement . whereas , when 0 . 3 % ca - lignosulphonate or ca - solassate added in cement used anhydrite gypsum as retarder , loss of fluidity of cement mortar is rapid , quick setting is occurred 但是,在硬石膏調凝水泥中摻加0 . 3的木鈣和糖鈣緩凝減水劑卻能使水泥砂漿流動度經時損失加快,凈漿表現出促凝現象,發生外加劑與水泥的不相容問題。

In middle and late periods of the early permian , the pre - caspian areas rose successively , the climate became dry , and the environment turned to be supratidal zone ( evaporitic environment ) , resulting in the spread sedimentation of salts and the formation of the salt sediment group ( the upper part of the lower permian ) which consists mainly of halite and anhydrite 早二疊世中后期由于持續構造抬升,盆地氣候變得乾旱,海水變淺,潮上帶蒸發環境發育,以致這一時期廣泛發育鹽類沉積,形成含鹽層系,主要由鹽巖和硬石膏層構成,并形成許多大小不等的鹽丘構造。

The influence of different gypsum on strengh of portland - sulphoalminate composite cement system is complicated , related with aluminiferouse mineral in cement system and the so4 ( superscript 2 - ) concentration of its hydrated solution ; in distilled water and maximum lime wash , the dissolution rate of dihydrate gypsum is higher than that of anhydrite but the dissolubility is lower 石膏品種對硅酸鹽硫鋁酸鹽復合體系水泥強度的影響較復雜,與水泥體系中含鋁礦物及其水化溶液中so4 (上標2 - )離子濃度有關;在蒸餾水和飽和石灰水中,二水石膏的溶解速度比硬石膏快,溶解度比硬石膏低。

The result shows , for this composite cement system , retarding action of dihydrate gypsum is more obvious than that of anhydrite , meanwhile , anhydrite tends to cause setting time short and water needed increased 結果表明:二水石膏對該種復合體系水泥的緩凝作用比硬石膏明顯,硬石膏易引起復合體系水泥急凝和需水量增大。

2 the cement compatibility test should be done before calcining cement with the industrial waste and the anhydrite 無機水性水泥密封防水劑fnj無機水性水泥密封防水劑是引進美國技術。

Gypsum and anhydrite 石膏和硬石膏

Detection of immune status of patients with anhydrite ectodermic dysplasia 外胚層發育不全癥的免疫水平研究

Anhydrite ectodermic dysplasia , eda 探討外胚層發育不全癥

Under the circumstances, gypsum or anhydrite could accumulate to form beds many meters thick, without any co-precipitation of halite . 在這種環境下,石膏或硬石膏可以堆積成許多米厚的巖層,而沒有任何石鹽伴生沉淀。

Nodular anhydrite and enterolithic and chicken-wire structures themselves do not signify the sabkha environment . 結構狀硬石膏、香腸狀和網眼狀構造本身并不表示薩勃哈環境。

Locally dolomite and anhydrite are important as cements, together with minor authigenic quartz . 在局部地方白云石和硬石膏也是重要的膠結物;還有少量自生石英。

Locally dolomite and anhydrite are important as cements . 局部地方白云石和硬石膏也是重要的膠結物。