
anharmonic adj.【物理學】非諧的。

anharmonic ratio

Abstract : considering the second nearest - neighbor interaction and cubic , quartic anharmonic interactions simultaneously , we employ the multiple scales method combined with a quasidiscreteness approximation to calculate the lattice vibration . it is shown that the kind of nonlinear chain exhibits envelope soliton , envelope kink and envelope antikink soliton . these results can also be used to explain the experimental phenomena that the kink amplitude of the self - localized structure is determined only by the intrinsic properties of its lattices 文摘:同時考慮次近鄰諧振相互作用和三次方、四次方非諧相互作用,利用多重尺度結合準離散近似方法去計算晶格振動行為,發現一維非線性點陣中存在包絡孤子及正扭結型包絡孤子、反扭結型包絡孤子,解釋了自局域結構的幅度只取決于點陣中的固有參數的實驗現象

Treating the anharmonic terms of potential energy as perturbations , and employing the formulas for atomic displacements and hamiltonian in phonon occupation number representation , the formulas for thermal expansion coefficients of crystal nano - wires are derived and the numerical calculations are carried out in this paper 摘要將原子間相互作用勢的非諧項作為微擾,運用聲子數表象中的晶格原子振動位移和晶格振動哈密頓公式,推導了納米晶體線的熱膨脹系數公式,并進行了數值計算。

The anharmonic effect of atomic vibration taken into account and from the potential energy which reacts each other among atoms , boltzmann statistical principle used , the relation formula of temperature and the distance change between atoms and coefficient of linear expansion is derived 摘要考慮原子振動的非簡諧效應,從原子間相互作用勢能入手,運用玻爾茲曼統計原理,推出了原子間距的變化與溫度的關系式,并導出了固體的線脹系數。

The models of anharmonic oscillator of nonlinear optical susceptibilities 非線性光學極化率的非簡諧振子模型

Attractor for weakly damped nonlinear wave in anharmonic crystal 非諧晶體中弱阻尼非線性波吸引子

The atomic state in two - dimensional periodic anharmonic well 類拋物二維周期勢阱中的原子狀態

The higher-order effects of the field on the particle motion give rise to anharmonic terms in the vibrational hamiltoniom . 場對粒子運動的高階效應在振動哈密頓量中引起非簡諧項。

It is said to be anharmonic motion . 故稱為非諧運動。

The cross ratio he called anharmonic ratio . 他把交比叫作非調和比。