
angulation n.1.作角,作成角度。2.角的形狀;部分或位置。


Abstract : the indication of replantation of severed finger is discussed from the clinical angulation with the developing of medical techonogy . the recognition of replantation is advancing . if we want to raise the successful rate of replantation , we must have the standard operational indication . from this inspiration , we can improve the methods of severed finger 文摘:從臨床角度,簡述我院斷指再植適應癥隨著醫療技術的發展在不斷的認識和提高,指出了提高斷指再植救治成功率,首先要規范手術適應癥,并從這一啟示改進和完善斷指病人的治療措施。

An oes with a large capacious head , good pigmentation , wall eye or brown eyes , nice length of neck , correct angulation of the front and rear legs , good lay of shoulders , good quality and texture to the coat , nice topline , strong truncated muzzle with correct bite , compact body with enough leg under them , sound movement with good side extension and so on and so on is what makes an oes an oes ! 翻譯:一個有大容量腦子,良好色素,藍色或者棕色眼睛,美好長度的脖子,角度正確的前后腳,好的層次的肩,高質地的毛,美好的背線,強壯,短小,有適當咬合線的嘴,結構緊湊的身體,回旋的聲音等等才是古牧的標準和特色。

The c arm of the system can rotate at a very high speed , up to 25 degreessec . at the same time , an automatic patient safety detector allows the use of fast rotations and angulations with enhanced patient safety through non - contact detection . the sensing system adapts to the patient s size and will automatically slow down and stop moving when a patient gets too close 系統的c臂可作高速運轉,達到每秒25度的轉動;診斷儀同時配備新式自動安全偵測儀,能以高速運轉及多角度拍攝影像而毋須接觸病人身體,它的自動感應系統會因應病人的體形,自動調節運轉的速度,一旦太接近病人時,便會減速或自動停止,保障病人的安全。

T7 has the greatest spinous processes angulation , whereas the upper three thoracic ertebrae hae spinous processes that project directly posteriorly T7的棘突傾斜角度最大,然而其上三個胸椎的棘突直接朝向后方。

Within both of these categories , the abutments are available in different lengths , diameters , angulations and post diameters 在這兩種類都有不同長度、直徑、角度、以及栓柱直徑。

When viewed from the side , reach and drive should indicate maximum use of the dog ' s moderate angulation 當從側面觀察,運動幅度和驅動幅度可表現藏獒的適合的各幅度。

The hip angulation that ' s created prevents skidding and maintains the carving of your outside ski 由此產生的胯部的傾角能讓你保持外側雪板的切雪并防止搓雪。

Well laid back , muscular , strongly boned , with moderate angulation to match the rear angulation 自然向上,有強壯的肌肉和骨骼,與后側部角度相當。

Crabbing ? ? a sidewinding gait usually resulting from over - angulation in the rear 蟹行。一種橫向的步態,通常是由于過分夸張的后驅角度導致的。

Powerful , muscular with moderate angulation and strong lower - set hocks 強健有力,帶有適當的角度和強健的低位駙關節。