
angularity n.1.有角,角彎曲度。2.〔pl.〕 角狀部分,棱角3...


On the basis of the study on the speech coder algorithms , paper describe an advanced method of developing dsp system software , and as the guidlines , we developed the programme of whole decoder unit . paper stress on analysis of the ecu in decoder unit . aiming at amr algorithms disadvantage of angularity of synthetical speech , paper study on the specutral extrapolation which apply to extrapolate reflect coefficient of track model to make error conceal processing of amr . at last paper analyze existing echo cancellation algorithms using on mobile communication system 在此基礎上,描述了一種較為先進的大型dsp系統程序開發策略,并以此為指導思想,以美國ti公司c6000dsp開發平臺開發出了整個amr解碼器單元的系統程序。論文對amr解碼器的誤碼隱藏處理單元進行了重點分析,針對原有算法合成語音自然度不好的缺點,論文研究了將譜外推法應用到amr算法中外推出聲道模型反射系數參數進行誤碼消除處理。

It is curious what a subtle but unmistakable transmutation it makes , both in the body of men and women : the woman more blooming , more subtly rounded , her young angularities softened , and her expression either anxious or triumphant : the man much quieter , more inward , the very shapes of his shoulders and his buttocks less assertive , more hesitant 肉體的愛,使男子身體發生奇異的微妙的顯然的變化。女子是更艷麗了,更微妙地圓滿了,少女時代的粗糙處全消失了,臉上露出渴望的或勝利的情態。男子是更沉靜了,更深刻了,即肩膊和臀部也不象從前硬直了。

Because it is hard to mesh for small angularity in the body , especially spline , so we have to simplify these parts . we adapt two methods to simplify them , and choice the better one to calculate the strength of the shafts . above all , we also optimize the shafts structure 針對實體結構存在小角度問題給網格劃分帶來的困難,本文對結構進行了必要的簡化,并通過兩種簡化方式的計算對比,從中選擇了較為合理的一種,使計算結果更為準確。

Those black angularities which his face had used to put on when his wishes were thwarted now did duty in picturing the incorrigible backslider who would insist upon turning again to his wallowing in the mire 以前在事不如愿的時候,他那張棱角分明的臉上是一種陰沉的神色,現在卻成了一張牧師的臉,在那兒把自己描繪成一個不可救藥的自甘下流的人,描繪成一個深陷泥淖而不能自拔的人。

The striated marks on the curve part of magazine are the marks formed by the friction between shell cases and the inner angularity of magazine ' s curve part during the process of bullet installation 摘要彈匣弧形部擦劃痕跡是射手在以壓推方式向彈匣內壓裝槍彈過程中,彈殼體與彈匣弧形部內邊棱相摩擦而形成的痕跡。

Daguenet , on the other hand , who was seated on estelle s left , seemed slightly put out by his propinquity to that tall , silent girl . the angularity of her elbows was disagreeable to him 達蓋內坐在愛絲泰勒的左邊,他對身旁的這個高個子姑娘的沉默寡言,感到局促不安,她的胳膊肘尖尖的,他看了很不舒服。

In general , smaller grain size and greater angularity tend to increase the porosity while an increase in range of particle size tends to decrease porosity 通常,顆粒越小曲率越大孔隙度越大,而當顆粒尺寸增大時孔隙度會減小。

Brickwork _ structures _ desc ; vaults and cylindrical structures used in medieval churches needed this technique of bricklaying to form its structures without angularity 中世紀不帶棱角的拱頂和圓柱建筑需要這種砌磚技術

Consequently angularities are apt to occur both below and above unconformities . 因此,交角往往出現在不整合面的上部或下部。

The air flow will have some variation of angularity . 風的流向將有一定程度的變化。