
angular adj.1.有角的,角形的;尖銳的。2.用角度量的;角的...

angular bone

Sergeant towser was lean and angular and had fine blond hair so light it was almost without colour, sunken cheeks . 陶塞軍士骨瘦如柴,雙頰干癟,纖細的黃頭發淡得幾乎象沒有顏色。

Electron has an intrinsic angular momentum in addition to the orbital angular momentum due its motion about the nucleus . 電子除了繞原子核運動的軌道角動量外還有內在的角動量。

The conservation of angular momentum takes exactly the same form and has the same significance in both domains . 角動量守恒在兩種領域中形式完全相同,并且有同樣的重要性。

Only with very high-flux reactors is it usually possible to employ diffractometers of high angular resolution . 只有對非常高通量的反應堆,才可能應用高角分辨率的衍射計。

We can add plausibility to this statement by considering how a photon carries away angular momentum . 可以通過考慮一個光子如何帶走角動量來為這種說法的合理性增添份量。

As a natural limit for angular resolution, one may take the angular size of the central diffraction disk . 我們可以取中心衍射環的角直徑作為角分辨率的一種自然極限。

The tab contains a toothed wheel which is driven at a high angular velocity by the impinging airstreams . 舵片上有一個帶齒的輪,這個輪受到氣流的沖擊而高速轉動。

In other words, the magnitude of the angular momentum is increased, its direction remaining the same . 換句話說,即角動量的大小增加了,但其方向不變。

Since the in-falling material most likely has excess angular momentum, a disk will form . 因為落入的物質大多具有過多的角動量,所以會形成一個氣盤。

It is traditional to take l2 as the component of angular momentum that will be specified along with l2 . 習慣上取L2做為與L2同時確定的角動量分量。

An increase in the magnitude of the angular momentum simply means that the body rotates more rapidly . 角動量大小的增加,意思就是物體轉動更快了。

Here is an example of the usefulness of the concepts of angular impulse and angular momentum . 這有一個例子,可以說明角沖量和角動量概念的用途。

Hence a full subshell has zero angular momentum and is spherically symmetric . 于是,一個已經填滿的支殼層的角動量為零,并且是球面對稱的。

As a whole, the beam will therefore impart no total angular momentum to a target . 因此,整個說來,這種光束將不傳給靶任何總的角動量。

In chap. 6 we shall generalize the discussion and take up angular momentum . 在第六章中我們將推廣這一討論,而且還將考慮角動量。

The motion of the balance wheel of a watch is an example of angular harmonic motion . 鐘表擺輪的運動就是角諧運動的一個實例。

The smallest characteristic value corresponds to the lowest natural angular frequency . 最小的特征值相當于最低固有角頻率。

The angular part of a continuum wave function is, of course, a spherical harmonic . 連續譜波函數的角度部分當然是球諧函數。

In order to get a narrow angular spread, we need to use the whole grating . 為了得到較窄的角展度,我們必須利用整個光柵。