
anguish n.(極度)痛苦,苦悶,煩惱。 in anguish 極...


Be about to oneself psychological anguish pours out to other 即將自己的心理痛苦向他人傾訴。

And he took his wife in his arms , and looked at her with anguish 他摟著妻子,悲痛地望著她。

Sometimes , a person in anguish can shake the cosmos 有的時候一個人不快樂,整個宇宙會震動。

And we know of your anguish 我們理解你們的苦衷,愿意與你們分擔。 ”

Something causing severe pain or anguish 引起劇烈的疼痛或痛苦的事物

The anguish which she had portrayed carrie could feel 她所表現的痛苦,嘉莉都能感覺得到。

My hope - my love - my life ! broke in anguish from his lips 我的希望我的愛一我的生命! ”

The loss of her husband anguished her deeply 她丈夫的死亡使她悲痛萬分。

Nothing can take away the anguish of losing a child 什麼都不能解除失去孩子的巨大悲痛

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He will no longer touch the secret anguish in his heart 他再也不想碰這內心的隱痛了。

Despair and anguish fled ( from ) the struggling soul 絕望和痛苦離開了掙扎中的靈魂。

How much anguish have you caused animal parents ? 你給它們造成了多少痛苦? ”

This man, so lonely in his hour of triumph, so ungenerous in some of his motivations, had navigated our nation through one of the most anguishing periods in its history . 這位成功時如此孤寂,在有些事情上動機如此偏狹的人,領導我們國家度過了歷史上最令人痛苦的時刻之一。

It was a colossal task in the best of circumstances; the war in vietnam turned it into a searing and anguishing enterprise . 在最后的情況下,這也是一個艱巨無比的任務;越南戰爭使它成為一項灼人的,令人痛苦的事業。

The heroine is anguished by the thought that her sweetheart, who is believed to have been drowned, died while not in a state of grace . 女主角因為她的愛人(據信是淹死了)死時沒有得到上帝的恩寵,心里非常難過。

He seemed seized for an instant as if by an anguished feeling that kennedy did not really care about disarmament at all . 在一瞬間,他似乎非常痛苦的感覺到,肯尼迪根本就不是真正關心裁軍。

Long afterwards, many would remember those two days in the first week of october with vividness and anguish . 好久以后,不少人仍忘不了十月第一周的那兩天,住事還歷歷在目,回憶令人心酸。

Bertha's quick invention magnified the coming anguish till, for thinking of it, she could hardly sleep at night . 伯莎敏銳的虛構,擴大了正在到來的痛苦,仍然一想到這點她晚上就不能睡覺。