
angst n.擔心;焦慮;苦惱。

“ i did this for the people . therefore that judgment is not important for me . “ angst : feeling of anxiety , guilt or remorse , especially about the state of the world 她說: “我參加悼念活動并不是為那些政客祈禱,而是為那些遇難的普通人,所以我不在乎美國政府對我們的看法。

Then other people live in the “ angst “ zone . when anything happens they get some angst , some anxiety about it , unbelievable 有的人活在擔心領域,發生任何事都令他們擔心,令他們焦慮。

Should private pain or angst be thrown at the public in the name of “ giving a performance “ 個人的痛苦和憂慮,應不應該美其名為“表演” ,向觀眾宣泄?


Impatient and because these females are extremely easy generation insecurity angst , alone depression , sad sadness , dejected disappointment , angry wait for depressed mood , suffer undesirable mood for a long time to perverse stimulate , law of airframe life division happens disorder , function of nerve internal system is maladjusted , bring about core condition unbalance then , immune force drops , can make thymus is generated decrease with the thymus element that release , the monitoring capability to cell of the mutation inside body mixes cell of lymphocyte , huge bite gobble up ability to drop , incidental cancer is swollen 由于這些女性極易產生緊張焦慮、孤獨壓抑、悲哀憂傷、苦悶失望、急躁惱怒等抑郁情緒,長期受不良情緒剌激,機體生命節律發生紊亂,神經內分泌系統功能失調,進而導致內環境失衡,免疫力下降,可使胸腺生成和釋放的胸腺素減少,淋巴細胞、巨噬細胞對體內突變細胞的監控能力和吞噬能力下降,輕易發生癌腫。

Retreat after retiring , lived to produce very big change with individual interest as a result of the profession , the profession of from long - term insecurity rule lives , turn suddenly to what do not have the rule , laches to retreat retire the life , suit hard and produce angst , not know what to do , have feeling of a kind of lose , some thinking that oneself are energetic , lofty ideal did not propose a toast , can be competent completely to work formerly , let be retreated now can produce lose move , still can have spend gently depressed , think oneself by abandon , hit colour , pessimistic , insomnia without essence of life 退離休以后由于職業生活和個人愛好發生了很大變化,從長期緊張而規律的職業生活,忽然轉到無規律、懈怠的退離休生活,難以適應而產生焦慮、無所適從,有一種失落感,有的認為自己精力充沛、壯志未酬,完全能勝任原工作,現在讓退下來就會產生失落感,還可有輕度抑郁,認為自己被遺棄,無精打彩、悲觀、失眠。

This raw , angst - filled indictment of the decline of western civilization takes the themes in his previous films to the extreme , mocking a world where reality tv , greed and violence have utterly destroyed the foundation of all our relationships 觀眾要有全新體驗,最好的心態是豁出去。呼之欲出的批判,當然是歐美成行成市的電視真人show 。去年各大小影展話題作。

Finkel and colleague paul eastwick studied young lovers - - especially those who profess ardent affection - - to see if their predictions of devastation matched their actual angst when that love was lost 芬克爾與同事鮑爾?伊斯特威克對年輕情侶,尤其是那些自稱愛得很深的情侶進行了調查,以確定他們對失戀后痛苦程度的預測與實際情況是否相符。

Should private pain or angst be thrown at the public in the name of giving a performance and are the time , money and resources put in always worth it no , i do n ' t mean this in a cold , calculating rate of return way 個人的痛苦和憂慮,應不應該美其名為“表演” ,向觀眾宣泄?每一次演出所花的時間金錢和資源是不是都是物有所值?

Gladly , i ' ve forgotten quite a lot of the stuff i learnt as a literature student - especially those inward - to - the - core bits , complete with angst and those me - against - the - world pontifications 很高興自己已經淡忘許多當年修讀文學時所學的東西? ?特別是那些核心部分,包括對俗世的憂慮和對世事自以為是的看法。

For some , with nine months to graduation and lucrative job offers trickling in for next year , the mba degree seems to have paid off . angst about loans and jobs is beginning to wane 對一些人來說,由于距離畢業還有9個月,明年就業的優厚職位接踵而來, mba學位似乎物有所值,對還貸和就業問題的擔憂開始消除。

Gladly , i ' ve forgotten quite a lot of the stuff i learnt as a literature student - especially those inward - to - the - core bits , complete with angst and those me - against - the - world pontifications 很高興自己已經淡忘許多當年修讀文學時所學的東西特別是那些核心部分,包括對俗世的憂慮和對世事自以為是的看法。

Researchers speculate that the extra shut - eye may help reduce chronic stress ? which has been implicated in heart disease ? by giving workers a break from angst - ridden jobs 研究人員推測,夜間長睡眠之外的小憩能夠使工作者在令人焦慮的工作中得以有喘息的機會,從而緩解長時間工作對心臟帶來的有害慢性壓力。

Though there has been some debate about the extravagance of such services , some psychologists say the activity reflects the desire of some white - collar workers to vent their angst 盡管這種“奢侈”的服務引發了一些爭論,但一些心理學家分析說,這種做法反映出一些白領人士想要發泄心中郁悶的愿望。

Mr obama is a neophyte by comparison ( he was an angst - ridden schoolboy in hawaii when mrs clinton was getting her first taste of washington during the watergate affair ) 奧巴馬先生相較之下則是一位新人(當克林頓夫人在水門事件期間第一次領略到華盛頓時,他還只是夏威夷一位青春躁動期的學生罷了) 。

Today i want to try to help you who live in the blah zone , the suspicion zone , the angst zone , the fear zone , or the insecurity zone , to move up and to enter a totally new life 地方。今天我要幫助那些活在廢話領域懷疑領域擔心領域恐懼領域或不安全領域的人。上前來,進入一個全新的人生。

Through the exile , the wandering and the angst , he created the divine comedy - - divided into hell , purgatory and paradise - - a poem many consider the greatest ever written 在流放、游蕩和痛苦中,他創作了《神曲》 ,這部被很多人視為有史以來最偉大的詩篇分為《地獄》 、 《煉獄》和《天堂》三部。

Though there has been some debate about the extravagance of such services , some psychologists say the activity reflects the desire of some white - collar workers to vent their angst 盡管一些人爭論這種服務太奢侈,但一些心理學家分析說,這種做法反映出一些白領人士想要發泄心中郁悶的愿望。

At the same time , its eroding employment base at home is a cause of national angst and massive imbalance in ustrade is widely viewed as a therat to the global economy 同時,國內越來越糟糕的就業情況成為人們所焦慮的問題,貿易的重大失衡也被廣泛地視為是對世界經濟的一大威脅。

The president : well , i ' m always concerned that one party or the other will do something unilaterally to change the status quo , which would then create , you know , a source of angst and anger 布什:我一直感到擔心的是,臺海兩岸的一方或者是另一方,會采取單方面行動改變現狀。