
angry adj.1.發怒的,忿怒的。2.(風雨等)兇猛的。3.(...

angry red

His resignation is a measure of how angry he is . 從他辭職一事可見其氣憤的程度。

The angry lawyer smashed his fists against the desk . 憤怒的律師用拳頭猛擊桌子。

I'd be a hypocrite if i were angry at that . 如果我為這種事生氣,我就太虛偽了。

I saw he was angry and wanted to smooth him down . 我看他生氣了,想讓他消消氣。

What is the point of getting angry ? 發脾氣有什么用處呢?

They try to deal politely with angry customers . 他們盡量對發怒的顧客彬彬有禮。

I am angry with you both for breaking my peace . 我討厭你們兩個破壞了我的寧靜。

An angry torrent rolls thunderously on for a thousand li . 怒濤滾滾,奔瀉千里。

For a moment he was violently angry . 他猛一下感到很生氣。

The angry farmer was bearing down on us . 那個怒氣沖沖的農民迅速地向我們逼來。

He was angry to that degree that he foamed at the mouth . 他氣得嘴邊沫子直冒。

She was headstrong, angry and not at all submissive . 她倔強,憤恨,毫不順從。

He gave the table an angry kick . 他狠狠地朝桌子踢了一腳。

He was very angry at the remarks made by his teacher . 他對老師的批語很生氣。

Do n't be angry at [with] me. please hear me out . 你別起火,請聽我把話說完。

Talk to him nicely. do n't get angry . 好好和他談,別生氣。

He was so angry he was almost frothing at the mouth . 他氣得差點兒口吐白沫。

The little boat was thrown about in the angry waves . 小船在驚濤駭浪中顛簸。

His speech called forth an angry response . 他的話惹人生氣。