
angostura n.(南美)安哥斯圖拉苦味樹皮〔可解熱滋補〕。

“ brucine is extracted from the false angostura 1 is it not ? “木鱉精是從番木鱉的皮和果實中提煉出來的那種東西對嗎? ”


Nigel bissoon , marketing manager of the angostura group of companies , the makers of rum , said the players were already heroes in their caribbean country after their 0 - 0 draw against sweden last week 朗姆酒釀造集團公司的營銷經理奈杰爾比松說,球員們在上周以0比0戰平瑞典隊,他們已經是祖國的英雄了。

Manager of the angostura group of companies , the makers of rum , said the players were already heroes in their caribbean country after their 0 - 0 draw against sweden last week 朗姆酒釀造集團公司的營銷經理奈杰爾比松說,球員們在上周以0比0戰平瑞典隊,他們已經是祖國的英雄了。

Each of the 24 barrels angostura is offering as a prize holds 247 litres 64 gallons of rum . angostura ' s chief executive , lawrence duprey , said the rum would come from a batch 著名酒商承諾,如果周五特立尼達和多巴哥能夠取勝,將贈送24桶優等郎姆酒作為獎勵。

I see . our cocktail of the week is champagne cocktail . it ' s made with champagne , brandy , angostura bitters and sugar 知道了,我向您推薦本周的特色雞尾香檳雞尾酒,這酒是由香檳、白蘭地、苦味酒和糖調制而成的。

Angostura ' s chief executive , lawrence duprey , said the rum would come from a batch that had been earmarked for a special occasion 公司執行總監勞倫斯杜普里說,這24桶郎姆酒出自同一批世界杯“專用酒” 。

Each of the 24 barrels angostura is offering as a prize holding 247 litres 64 gallons of rum 這24桶用來犒勞球員的angostura朗姆酒每桶含量247升。

“ brucine is extracted from the false angostura 1 is it not ? “木鱉精是從番木鱉的皮和果實中提煉出來的那種東西對嗎? ”