
angora n.1.安哥拉棉毛呢。2.安哥拉貓(= Angora c...

angora cloth

An adult angora can produce as much as 7 kilogram of moheir each year . as the goats grow older , however , there here becomes thicker and less valuable . hair from white or solid colored goats is the most popular . but the appeal of the mix color of moheir has grown in recent years . the united states is one of the main producers of moheir and exports most of its production 一個成年的安哥拉羊每年可以產差不多7公斤的馬海毛.然而,隨著山羊的成長,它們變得越來越厚并且變得沒有價值.白色和純色山羊的頭發是最流行的.但是近年來對混合顏色的馬海毛的需求已經增加了.美國是馬海毛的主要生產者之一并且出口大部分它的產量

Now , the products from guangdong nortel have been exported to various countries including usa , canada , france , pakistan , nepal , india , cambodia , indonesia , australia , japan , papua new guinea , thailand , philippines , malaysia , singapore , italy , poland , israel , vietnam , kore and angora 產品遠銷美國、加拿大、法國、巴基斯坦、尼泊爾、印度、柬埔寨、印度尼西亞、澳大利亞、日本、巴布亞新幾內亞、泰國、菲律賓、巴西、墨西哥、土耳其、馬來西亞、新加坡、意大利、波蘭、以色列、越南、韓國、安哥拉等多個國家,為電信運營商的網絡建設提供全面的設備支持。

Angora goats are also popular show animals . they are considered friendly and require little special care . the animals ' need milk from their mothers for 3 or 4 month . they reach full maturity when they ' re a little more than 2 years old . but even then , they ' re smaller than most sheep and milk goats 安哥拉山羊也是一種受到歡迎的表演動物.它們被認為是很友好的并且需要極少的特別照顧.它們只需要3或者4個月從母親那里喝奶.當它們出生2年多一點的時候,它們能達到完全成熟.但是甚至在那個時候,它們比大多數的山羊和奶羊要小

Now , the products from guangdong nortel have been exported to various countries including usa , canada , france , pakistan , nepal , india , cambodia , indonesia , australia , japan , papua new guinea , thailand , philippines , malaysia , singapore , italy , poland , israel , vietnam , korea and angora 產品遠銷美國、加拿大、法國、巴基斯坦、尼泊爾、印度、柬埔寨、印度尼西亞、澳大利亞、日本、巴布亞新幾內亞、泰國、菲律賓、巴西、墨西哥、土耳其、馬來西亞、新加坡、意大利、波蘭、以色列、越南、韓國、安哥拉等多個國家,為電信運營商的網絡建設提供全面的設備支持。

There are many individual breeds of angora rabbits , four of which are arba recognized . such breeds include , french , german , giant , english , satin , chinese , swiss , finnish , to name a few 安哥拉兔品種繁多,美國兔子繁殖者協會確認當中四種。品種包括:緞毛、巨型、法國、德國、英國、中國、瑞士、芬蘭等等。

Angoras may need special protection from the cold for about a month after shearing 剪羊毛后,安哥拉山羊大約需要一個月的特殊御寒措施。

Angora goats generally get their hair cut two times a year , in the spring and fall 安哥拉山羊一年一般剪兩次羊毛,春天和秋天。

Angoras may need special protection from the cold for about a month after shearing 安哥拉羊需要特殊的保護在剪毛后的一個月。

Angora goats generally get their hair cut two times a year , in the spring and fall 安哥拉羊一般一年剪兩次毛,在春秋兩季。

Test method for breaking strength and elongation of angora rabbit hair single fibre 兔毛單纖維斷裂強度和伸長試驗方法

According to those people in this field , the angora rabbit is very famous 據業者表示,土耳其的安哥拉兔相當有名。

An adult angora can produce as much as 7 kilograms of hair each year 一只成年安哥拉山羊每年可以產出七公斤羊毛。

An adult angora can produce as much as 7 kilograms of hair each year 成年的安哥拉羊每年可以產出7公斤的羊毛。

Method for determination of chinesewhite angora rabbit hair for export 出口中國白色安哥拉兔毛檢驗方法

Test method for diameter of angora ribbit hair 兔毛纖維細度試驗方法

Test method for extractable matter by ether from angora rabbit hair 兔毛乙醚萃取物試驗方法

Test method for whiteness of angora rabbit hair 兔毛纖維白度試驗方法

Sampling method of angora rabbit hair for testing 兔毛纖維試驗取樣方法

Test method for mwasure length of angora rabbit hair 兔毛纖維長度試驗方法