
angola n.安哥拉〔非洲〕;〔a-〕 = Angora. -la...

“ japan wants to put into practice other projects that may contribute to the reconstruction and development of angola , ” said the japanese ambassador “日本希望實行其它可能有助于安哥拉重建和發展的項目” 。

The more we invest in angola the better as it means we are producing ever more crude oil “ 我們在安哥拉投資越多越好。投資越多,生產的原油也越多。

“ angola is a company with wealth and the challenge is to make it into a rich country 安哥拉蘊藏著巨大財富,只有挑戰才能使之富裕起來。


Togo qualified for next year ' s world cup finals along with three other african first - timers - angola , ghana and ivory coast 除多哥外,另外3支獲得2006年德國世界杯參賽資格的非洲球隊分別是安哥拉加納和科特迪瓦。

At the same time , the agency reduced its estimates for 5 african countries : angola , kenya , mozambique , nigeria and zimbabwe 同時,該規劃署對5個非洲國家安哥拉、肯尼亞、莫桑比克、尼日利亞及津巴布韋的估計也多了。

The image of the princess standing in a minefield in angola in january 1997 put the issue of landmines in the headlines the world over 公主的肖像站立在一個布雷區在安哥拉于1月1997日投入了地雷的問題在標題世界。

At the same time , the agency reduced its estimates for five african countries ; angola , kenya , mozambique , nigeria and zimbabwe 同時,機構降低了安哥拉,肯尼亞,莫桑比克,尼日利亞,津巴布韋五個非洲國家的預期。

The company s fiber optic network will be widened to link the provinces of hu la and namibe in the south of angola angola telecom said 安哥拉電信稱,該公司還將把光纖網絡擴展到安哥拉南部的威拉省和納米貝省。

“ japan wants to put into practice other projects that may contribute to the reconstruction and development of angola , ” said the japanese ambassador “日本希望實行其它可能有助于安哥拉重建和發展的項目” 。

Tetsuro yano also suggested the possibility that the use of non - refundable loans to angola could develop into loans with regular payment schedules 矢野哲郎還提議使用不需償還的貸款解決正常償還的貸款問題。

After more than 15 years of exile in angola , zambia and other african countries , some 41 , 000 namibian refugees went home 在安哥拉、贊比亞和非洲其他國家流亡了15年多之后,約4 . 1萬納米比亞難民返回家鄉。

The world cup runs from june 9 until july 9 . portugal are in group d along with angola , iran and mexico 世界杯將于6月9日開賽,持續至7月9日。葡萄牙隊在d組,同一組的有安哥拉隊伊朗隊和墨西哥隊。

Angola is also in millenium bcp s sights and the bank plans to enter the market by creating a new bank said teixeira pinto 說,目前千禧銀行又瞄準了安哥拉市場,準備創辦新銀行以進入安金融市場。

There are nearly 50 000 basarwa throughout botswana , some parts of namibia , overlapping into angola and zimbabwe 博茨瓦納、納米比亞的部分地區以及安哥拉和津巴布韋境內有近50 000名巴薩瓦族人。

Set up in 1998 , unitel , which now has two thirds of mobile phone users in angola , began operating in april 2001 聯合電信成立于1998年, 2001年4月開始運營,目前擁有安哥拉三分之二的手機用戶。

Angola was the biggest buyer of portuguese products while mozambique was the country which exported most goods to portugal 安哥拉是葡萄牙產品的最大進口國,莫桑比克出口到葡萄牙的貨物最多。

The report summarized in a kpmg angola press release adds that luanda the capital city is changing dramatically 這份畢馬威安哥拉公司新聞稿中的報告稱: ”首都羅安達發生了翻天覆地的變化“ 。

Angola commenced the third international meeting of angola ' s history with national and international experts attending 安哥拉著手進行第三屆安哥拉歷史國際會議,與會者包括本國及國際專家。

Retraction of investment particularly affected the construction industry in angola and financial services in mozambique 撤回投資對安哥拉的建筑業和莫桑比克的金融服務業的影響特別大。