
anglican adj.1.英國國教的,英國圣公會的。2.〔美國〕英國的...

Anglican ministers occasionally opposed slavery , but backed down when “ gentlemen “ who financed the church forbade them to interfere 英國國教的牧師有時候反對奴隸制度,但是當身為教會財主的紳士們禁止牧師干預時,他們就退縮了。

It is completely separate from the anglican church , has its own organization with a “ moderator “ as the elected leader of the church assembly 它全部由英國國教分裂出來,有自己的組織和“教長” ? ?教會裁決會議選出的首腦。


His solo performance have taken him to the anglican cathedral in bermuda , university of kentucky , university of cincinnati , wright state university , bowling green university , xavier university , college of mount st . joseph , and at the world piano pedagogy conference in florida . he has also performed concerti with the swan chamber players and the quarteto america 梁文軒的琴技出眾,多次獲邀到各地作個人演出,包括百慕達英格蘭主教座堂、肯德基大學、辛辛那提大學、萊特州立大學、保齡格綠州立大學、薩維爾大學、圣約瑟山學院及佛羅里達世界鋼琴教學法研討會。

The seminary was established as a joint effort by the hong kong council of the church of christ in china , the anglican church , the chinese methodist church , the wei li kung hui , the swatow baptist church and the tsung tsin mission . the board of the seminary which was formed by representatives from the supporting churches planned for the construction of the theology building on the campus of the chung chi college 當時之崇基神學院乃由中華基督教會、循道公會、圣公會、衛理公會、潮語浸信會及崇真會共同支持,其校董會亦由各合作教會之代表所組成,并計劃在崇基學院內興建神學樓。

The school does not belong to any single denomination , it is supported by denominations of several traditions , viz . , congregational , presbyterian , reformed , lutheran , anglican , and methodist . as a result , the approach to theological studies is open and non - doctrinal 本院不屬于任何一個宗派,乃由公理宗、長老宗、改革宗、信義宗、圣公宗、循道衛理宗神學傳統之教會支持,故對神學之研究采普及與開放態度,兼顧各家所長,并以圣經為信徒信仰及生活之主要權威。

As the king of england revoked the original charters for one colony after another , he simultaneously dis - established whatever denomination had enjoyed special rights in that colony and took steps to establish the anglican church as the official state religion 當英國國王將各殖民地的特許狀逐一取消時,他同時也廢除了所有宗派在該殖民地曾享有的特別權利并設法建立英國國教成為法定的宗教。

The churches represented in the theological council are : the anglican church , the church of christ in china hong kong council , the tsung tsin mission , and the methodist church , hong kong . copyright divinity school of 本組之校董會主要由各支持教會之代表所組成,包括香港圣公會,中華基督教會(香港區會) ,基督教香港崇真會,及香港循道衛理聯合教會。

The dean of st david ' s anglican cathedral in hobart , capital of the southern island state of tasmania , is upset that the nightclub next door has been handing out flyers promising full frontal nudity when it opens 這所教堂位于澳大利亞塔斯馬尼亞州首府霍巴特市。目前,夜總會已經刊登出開張那天將舉行的脫衣舞的廣告宣傳畫,這讓教堂主持牧師蒙羞。

Iii . supporting churches the churches represented in the theological council are : the anglican church , the church of christ in china hong kong council , the tsung tsin mission , and the methodist church , hong kong 本組之校董會主要由各支持教會之代表所組成,包括香港圣公會,中華基督教會(香港區會) ,基督教香港崇真會,及香港循道衛理聯合教會。

The descendants of the norman settlers in ireland , who came to be called the old english , were , by and large , hostile to the protestant reformation which had led to the establishment of the anglican church of ireland 后來被稱為老英格蘭人的愛爾蘭,即諾曼底定居者的后裔,對已經導致了愛爾蘭(英國)國教成立的新教改革基本上持敵對態度。

Britain ' s prince charles is obliged to apologise to the ex - husband of his fiancee camilla parker bowles for having an affair with her before their forthcoming wedding can go ahead , an anglican bishop has said 英國王儲查爾斯與未婚妻卡蜜拉帕克鮑爾斯結婚前,必須先向她的前夫就與卡蜜拉發生婚外情道歉,圣公會的一名主教如是表示。

The economic interests of the urban middle classed coincided with their religious ( puritan ) ideology while the crown ' s traditional economic interests correspondingly allied with anglican religious belief 城市中產階級經濟利益剛好與他們的宗教(清教)思想吻合,相應地,皇室傳統的經濟利益則與圣公會教的宗教信仰相結合在一起。

Respondents were asked to mark one of the seven specified religions ( catholic , anglican , uniting church , presbyterian , greek orthodox , baptist , or lutheran ) or to specify a particular religion 受訪者被要求以紀念之一七個指定宗教(天主教,英國國教,團結教會,長老會,希臘東正教會,浸信會,路德會或)或指定一個特定的宗教。

I often remember a sermon given by an anglican priest in australia at a rotary ecumenical service last march when i was representing the president at a district conference 我常想起去年三月,我代表國際扶輪社長參加地區年會時一位圣公會的牧師在澳洲的一個扶輪全基督教服務中的一場布道中所說的一段話。

St john s anglican cathedral harks back to the days of colonial hong kong , and it is very easy to imagine life in the early 20th century as you sit in its wooden pews 圣約翰座堂的歷史,可追溯至香港殖民地時代,建于1847年,即英軍來港后6年。坐在座堂的長椅上,你不難想像20世紀初的生活。

After the war , the anglican church , wei li kung hui , and christian mission to buddhists joined together to establish the hong kong union theological college 戰后圣公會、衛理公會與道風山基督教叢林共同創立香港協和神學院,而中華基督教會與循道公會則參加新加坡之三一神學院。

The words of episcopal - anglican liturgy are long pondered , plain and beautifully phrased , and they early gave me a sense of how a moved and heightened english should sound 圣公會禮拜儀式的禱辭出于沉思,歸于翰藻,早早令我感受到動情的、高尚的英語聽起來是什么樣的。

If they gave in to george iii , they might have to live under the authority of anglican bishops or even - in western portions of america - the pope 如果他們對英王喬治三世投降,他們可能必須要生活在英國國教的主教或甚至是羅馬天主教教皇(指在美國西部各州)的控制之下。

John wesley , when he saw the rising tide of patriotic fervor in america and the trend towards revolution , expressed his strong disapproval . so did the anglican clergy 當約翰.衛斯理看到美國漸增的愛國熱潮及革命趨勢,他表明了強烈的反對。英國國教的牧師也是如此。