
angler n.1.釣魚者。2.沽名釣譽者,追逐(名利等)的人 (f...

His novel “ the old man and the sea “ was said to be inspired by his fishing exploits in the bahamas and cuba , and he worked on “ to have and have not “ in bimini . the hemingway legend became a major draw and the compleat angler created a museum which included hundreds of photographs and artifacts of the author 海明威的傳奇使比迷尼島成為著名的旅游勝地,而“釣客大全”酒吧也憑借其收藏的大量有關海明威的珍貴照片和紀念品,創建了一座名副其實的海明威博物館。

Step 7 : choose between a “ snelled “ hook and a loose hook . snelled hooks are pre - rigged for tying directly to the angler ' s line ; loose hooks hold dough or softer bait 第七步:在“魚鮮綁制”的魚鉤和散鉤之間作選擇。預綁預購是預先綁好線的(腦線) ,可以直接加到釣魚人的主線上。散鉤子掛面團餌或者活餌。


But one fine day i learned that the mover of this telegraph was only a poor wretch , hired for twelve hundred francs a year , and employed all day , not in studying the heavens like an astronomer , or in gazing on the water like an angler , or even in enjoying the privilege of observing the country around him , but all his monotonous life was passed in watching his white - bellied , black - clawed fellow insect , four or five leagues distant from him 可是有一天,有人對我說,每一所急報站里的工作人員都是一個年俸僅一千二百法郎的可憐蟲,他成天地,不象天文學家那種研究天象,也不象漁翁那樣凝視水波,甚至連觀望四周田野的權利都沒有,而只是注視著離他十四五哩遠的另一個人。

The livestock waste control scheme came into force in june 1988 , and the epd made sure its provisions were widely understood and implemented by farmers , especially in areas close to beaches such as silver mine bay and angler s beaches . it has also been enforcing the water pollution control ordinance , which has been introduced to different regions of hong kong in phases 1988年6月,我們推行禽畜廢物管制計劃,廣泛向禽畜農戶宣傳法律的規定,使他們了解和遵守各防污條例的規定,其中特別以銀礦灣和釣魚灣等泳灘附近的農場為重點。

His novel “ the old man and the sea “ was said to be inspired by his fishing exploits in the bahamas and cuba , and he worked on “ to have and have not “ in bimini . the hemingway legend became a major draw and the compleat angler created a museum which included hundreds of photographs and artifacts of the author 海明威的傳奇使比迷尼島成為著名的旅游勝地,而“釣客大全”酒吧也憑借其收藏的大量有關海明威的珍貴照片和紀念品,創建了一座名副其實的海明威博物館。

The former president who was involved in the massacre in kwang ju went to jail . as you see , though this society imposes severe punishments on murderers , it doesn t regard animal killers as major offenders according to the existing law . so , butchers and fisherman carry on their jobs , and also hunters and anglers freely enjoy their hobbies 前任總統入獄,就是因他涉及光州的大屠殺,現實在社會上對殺人是有嚴刑處罰,可是對殺動物,法律上沒有定罪,所以屠夫漁夫都繼續工作,還有嗜好獵豬和釣魚的人也不受制裁。

When fishing on these rafts , anglers should refrain from conducting activities that interfere with mariculture operation in any way . these include cooking , littering , polluting the water , conducting other water sports , making excessive noise , use of net , trap or chum bait and conducting activities outside the authorized area ( 在魚排上進行閑釣時,市民不能進行任何滋擾養魚操作的活動,如煮食、亂拋垃圾、染污海水、進行其它水上活動、制造噪音、使用網、浸籠或誘餌粉捕魚和在許可范圍外進行任何活動等(

The tuen mun river is a major watercourse that in the 1980s suffered from a wide range of pollution sources , including effluent discharged from livestock farms , unsewered villages , cottage industries , and expedient connections . further east , the pai min kok stream running into the sea at anglers beach was primarily affected by livestock waste , while the sam dip tam stream , closer to tsuen wan , was moderately polluted by industrial effluent 屯門河是區內主要水道,八十年代期間受不同的污染影響,其中包括禽畜農場無污水管道的村屋家庭工業及非法接駁排污渠等屯門河以東的排棉角溪流入釣魚灣,污染源主要來自禽畜廢物荃灣附近的三

And when you catch a fish you have to get on the radio and say we have a fish and we re fighting this fish and then give the lats and longs , the latitudinal and longitudinal lines of where you re located and what time the fish was caught and who the angler is 我們有魚上釣,我們正跟它作戰,并會告訴別人我們的位置,就是經度和緯度,在甚么時間釣到魚,以及是誰釣到魚等,在我們加上標簽并把魚放回水中,便會利用發報器宣告,我們釣到魚了。這是我們經常做的。

On december 19 , 11 residents were among 20 people killed when a chalk ' s ocean airways seaplane plunged into the sea in miami ' s shipping channel . hemingway drank at the compleat angler between fishing trips in his vessel pilar in search of marlin , wahoo and sailfish in the pristine waters around bimini 海明威,美國上世紀30年代著名小說家,當年曾駕駛皮拉pilar號漁船在比迷尼島附近水域搜尋馬林魚刺鲅和旗魚時,也曾在“釣客大全”酒吧喝酒。

The livestock waste control scheme came into force in june 1988 , and the epd made sure its provisions were widely understood and implemented by farmers , especially in areas close to beaches such as silver mine bay and angler s beaches 1988年6月,我們推行禽畜廢物管制計劃,廣泛向禽畜農戶宣傳法律的規定,使他們了解和遵守各防污條例的規定,其中特別以銀礦灣和釣魚灣等泳灘附近的農場為重點。

The vefsna in northern norway is a paradise for anglers with its large populations of sea trout and inland trout , and has the second largest spawning area in norway for the threatened wild atlantic salmon 位于挪威北部的維夫斯納河因其盛產海鮭魚和內河鮭魚而成為釣魚者的天堂,而且它還是挪威第二大瀕危野生大西洋鮭魚的產卵地。

A fire destroyed the ernest hemingway museum and the compleat angler bar on friday on the bahamian island of bimini , one of the american novelist ' s 1930s haunts during the days he stalked big game fish 位于巴哈馬的比迷尼島上的歐內斯特海明威博物館以及開設博物館的“釣客大全” compleat angler近日在一場大火中被夷為平地。

The early morning blaze leveled the wooden inn in alice town and destroyed photographs and hemingway memorabilia , police said . they said the caretaker of the compleat angler , julian brown , was presumed dead 據路透社1月16日報道, 13日清晨大火燒著了這家位于愛莉絲鎮的木屋客棧,燒毀了屋內存放的部分歷史照片和海明威大事記。

And then make out the nonlinear equations from the mathematics models , the results includes : the contact angler , contact distortion and axial distortion of each rolling element in the bearing 求解兩種數學模型的非線性方程組,計算出軸承各滾動體在不同工況下內、外圈接觸角,接觸變形和軸承軸向、徑向位移等。

The reservoirs in hong kong are open to anglers with valid fishing licences for fishing only in non - spawning season from september 1 each year to march 31 the following year . endssunday , march 28 , 2004 香港水塘一般只于魚類非繁殖季節,即由每年九月一日至翌年三月三十一日,開放供持有有效釣魚牌照人士垂釣。

Step 7 : choose between a “ snelled “ hook and a loose hook . snelled hooks are pre - rigged for tying directly to the angler ' s line ; loose hooks hold dough or softer bait 第七步:在“魚鮮綁制”的魚鉤和散鉤之間作選擇。預綁預購是預先綁好線的(腦線) ,可以直接加到釣魚人的主線上。散鉤子掛面團餌或者活餌。

They said the caretaker of the compleat angler , julian brown , was presumed dead . brown , said to be in his 60s , alerted the inn ' s sole guest , who escaped though a window , but then disappeared 報道說,火災發生時,現年60多歲的布朗曾提醒客棧里惟一一位客人從窗戶逃走,但是后來他自己卻消失不見了。

The hong kong observatory prepares tidal predictions for hong kong waters every year to meet the requirements of users ranging from ferry operators , coastal engineers to anglers 潮汐表的制訂:天文臺每年出版香港潮汐表,為各界人士包括輪船公司、海岸工程師以至釣魚愛好者提供潮汐預報資料。