
angle n.【英史】盎格魯人〔cf. Angles〕。

angle iron

The spray nozzles are designed to produce a dense spray at a predetermined angle . 噴嘴是按預定角度產生稠密水霧來設計的。

Scattering angle is the angle between the scattered and incident directions . 散射角是散射方向與入射方向之間的夾角。

If an angle is changing with time, we may define an angular speed . 如果一個角隨時間而變化,我們就可確定一個角速率。

Apart from school work, i spend my spare time in singing and angling . 除了學校功課之外,空閑時我喜愛唱歌和釣魚。

An axial electron pair meets at right angles with 3 neighboring pairs . 軸向電子對與三個相鄰的電子對相交成直角。

Its world line is tipped at the angle corresponding to the speed of light . 它的世界線傾斜的角度與光速相對應。

All planar structures are represented by a strike line and dip angle . 一切面狀構造均可用向線和傾斜角來表示。

What angle should an umbrella be held so that you would stay dry ? 手中的雨傘應該傾斜多大角度,人才不會淋濕?

For a given radius no one angle is correct for all speeds . 對于給定的曲率半徑,沒有一個適合所有速度的角度。

An hour later they hit the angle of the highway and the railway . 一個小時后,他們到了鐵路和公路交叉的地方。

The angle is multiplied by the intensity of magnetization of the surface . 與該角相乘的是表面的磁化強度。

Recall that the angles are positive if the ray has a positive slope . 記住,若光線之斜率為正則角度為正。

They had come to the corner where elm angles into high street . 他們走到了從榆樹街轉向正街去的拐角上。

The angle is too great . 角度太大。

A detector sampled the reflected intensity at various angles . 探測器在不同的角度收集反射束的強度。

Try angling the camera for a more interesting picture . 試著傾斜照相機來得到更有意思的照片。

It 's heaven to go angling . 釣魚是一大樂事。

Two rags proceeding from the same point form an angle . 從同一點出發的兩條射線形成一只角。

The repulsions fall off rapidly with increasing angle . 排斥隨著角度的增加而迅速地減小。